Efforts to Restore the Church of the New Testament: James O’Kelly in VA and NC Elias Smith and Abner Jones in the Northeast – VT and CT Barton W. Stone in KY, IN, and OH Thomas and Alexander Campbell in PA, VA, and WV SmithJonesO’KellyStoneT. CampbellA. Campbell
Division Two Different Ideas Regarding Cooperation: 1.Churches could not be tied together in association, synods, etc. (Barton W. Stone held this view). 2.Churches could be tied together in some form (Alexander Campbell took this position). a)Used Millennial Harbinger to promote his ideas for church cooperation. b)Promoted the “need” for churches to band together and work through a centralized agency ( ). c)Through Campbell’s effort & influence Cooperation Meetings began to pop up all over the brotherhood.
Division 1849: Campbell thought he had enough support to form a general organization for cooperation. A Convention was convened in Cincinnati, OH in October of 1849 to consider the formation of a missionary society. Justified by saying that Christ gave no plan for the church universal; therefore the church is free to devise its own plan. –Not for purpose of enacting laws. –Not to interfere with true independence of local churches. –To discuss the best ways of converting and sanctifying the world. –Claimed there were some duties of the church that a single church cannot, by her unaided strength, discharge. Result: American Christian Missionary Society
The American Christian Missionary Society Church American Christian Missionary Society $ $ $ $$ Problem – No Authority!!! And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus… (Col. 3:17). If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God…(1 Pet. 4:11).
Division Instrumental Music Controversy Introduced by L.L. Pinkerton, Midway, KY Reason: Singing so bad it would “scare even the rats from worship.” Met on Saturdays to improve singing. Brought a melodeon in to get the correct pitch. Soon, one sister began accompanying the singing with her playing. Group thought it improved their singing, so they decided to use it on the Lord’s Day.
Division Instrumental Music Controversy Two Main Arguments: 1.Authorized by the Old Testament. 2.An expedient such as meeting houses and song books. Opposition: Moses Lard wrote against its use in Ben Franklin, Jacob Creath, Jr., Tolbert Fanning & others. J.W. McGarvey opposed but continued to fellowship those who used it, thus lending his name and influence to the error. Regretted later seeing his actions did not help.
Causes of Liberalism and Division Developed friendly relations with the denominations. Taught that pious unimmersed would be saved. Misconception of the church – began to believe it to be just another sect & denomination as the rest. Denied the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. Sermons did not sound a clear note, a distinctive ring – they had to be explained as to what was meant. Taught we were guided by the spirit of the New Testament, not by the letter. Sincerity is all that really matters. Opposition referred to as legalists. Less emphasis on baptism, & the distinctive doctrine of Christ.
Body of Christ Torn Asunder Forgotten was the prayer of Christ (John 17). Ignored the Holy Spirit’s admonition for unity (1 Cor. 1:10). Plan of unity in Ephesians 4:1-6 trampled under foot. 1906: Census of the USA formerly recognized the split. Christian Church took their instruments and societies and walked a new course. Majority of brethren walked with them. Those contending for Bible Authority: Were the minority and were cast out. Lost their buildings. But stood in the “old paths” and started afresh.
Causes of Apostasy Lack of love for God’s Word (2 Thess. 2:10) Laziness (Heb. 5:10-12) Ignorance (Hos. 4:6) Too high a regard for man (1 Cor. 4:6) Peace at any price (Jas. 3:17; Isa. 30:10)
Christian Church Today Instrumental Music, Choirs, Entertainment Recreation: Ball teams & fields to play on, Gyms Secular Schools, Women Pastors Recognize Christians in all Denominations Split: Disciples of Christ & The Christian Church Disciples of Christ have a: General Minister & President (presently a woman) General Assembly Both are denominations just like all the others!