PowerPoint Presentation Part III Adding Transitions and Builds to the Slide Show
Dimming Bullets After a Bullet has been displayed on the screen, it can be dimmed as the next is displayed This will emphasize the point under discussion while not eliminating the other This effect can continue through the entire slide.
Dimming Previous Text To add an effect such as dimming, go into slide mode and select Slide Show from the menu line, then Custom Animation From the Custom Animation toolbar, select Add Effect This will display additional choices (Entrance, Emphasis, Exit, Motion Path)
Transitions Click on “Slide Show” on the menu line, then select “Slide Transition” to add or change a transition between slides. Select the transition effect, the speed, and any sound effect you wish to add. The transition can be automatic or upon the click of the mouse and can be applied to all slides if desired. Note that you can select “Random Transition” for a variety of types.
Box Out In this instance, we used the Box Out transition operating at slow speed--a box depicting the new slide forms at the center of the slide and grows outward Transitions can be set to slow, medium, or fast In the slide-sorter view, a small icon below the slide indicates that a transition is used. Clicking on this icon will demonstrate the transition and builds in the slide.
Don’t Mess With Texas
AMERICA! Love it …. Or leave it!
Slow as a turtle
Or Fast as a Hare
Sounds Sounds can also be added from the same transition effects menu, however sounds can only be heard if played on a unit with a sound card and speakers. (See Power Point Lesson #6)
Using Builds A Build or progressive disclosure is used to display bulleted items one at a time After the first bullet is displayed, the second, then the third, then the fourth… bullets are displayed in sequence This slide uses the “Build” in its display Various effects and sounds can be used
Adding a Build First, type in the bulleted text Next, click your right mouse button Then, select Custom Animation Next, select the effects you want Then select the After Animation effects to hide or change the color of the displayed text
Adding Colors As each statement is displayed and dimmed, the color can be altered In this case, the dimmed entry becomes a pale blue color Sometimes this technique is better than the normal Build, with or without dimming
What Else Can I Do? Now that you have mastered the basics, you can do much more with Power Point, like inserting information (date, time, page number) on the slide, incorporating tables and charts, creating branching programs, inserting movie clips, and much more
The End This ends the PowerPoint Presentation Part III The next section will look at other goodies such as adding movie or video clips