Chapter 16 – Global Warming Elements of this chapter to keep in mind analyze and understand anthropogenic global warming and potential policies on global warming from a scientific basis and in the context of past changes in climate – IPPC Ref. the relative sizes of the different carbon reservoirs and different carbon fluxes, in particular the size of anthropogenic fluxes compared to natural fluxes the timescales of the various CO 2 removal processes stress the chemistry of CO 2 uptake in the oceans projections for future CO 2 concentrations and predicted climatic implications of global warming, including understanding the level of uncertainty that exists in climate models, and the sources of these uncertainties anthropogenic gases other than CO 2 contribute to the greenhouse effect understand how changes in greenhouse gases may affect sea level and ocean circulation, in particular the thermohaline circulation impact of melting of ice caps – differences between Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets understand some of the impacts of global warming on ecosystems
Global Warming the potential impact of humans on the global climate system involves links between all the biogeochemical cycles with the earth’s radiation balance Focus on the carbon cycle, as it has the primary impact: The Greenhouse Effect
Global Warming The Greenhouse Effect 1. Radiation flux (independent variable) as a function of wavelength (dependent variable) Area under curve gives total amount of energy emitted by the two different bodies, similarly for total absorption below 2. Absorption (in %) of different atmospheric constituents as a function of wavelength 3. Note absorption of long wave radiation (infrared) of water vapor and carbon dioxide
RF = radiative forcing; LOSU = level of scientific understanding
Climate Projections 1. Scenarios 1. Scenarios based on different assumptions about economic, social, technological, and political changes in the future. 2. Assumptions are input into an economic model, which give the fossil fuel usage, and associated carbon emission, as output. Consumption rates, oil leads the pack
Climate Projections 2. Changes in Atmosphere 1. Emissions from different scenarios are put into carbon cycles models, which keep track of where the carbon goes 2. Other biogeochemical cycle models that might be relevant to climate (e.g. sulfur) are also used. 3. The focus is mostly on atmospheric concentrations, which can affect the radiative balance of the earth
Summary from IPCC Emissions from fossil fuels and deforestation Assumptions about population and economic growth: a and b – modest growth; c and d more rapid growth a – most optimistic: increase 7 to 10Gton/yr by 2050 then decrease to 5 b – increase by about 0.7%/yr to reach 13Gton/yr by 2100 c – increase such that peak of 17Gton/yr by 2050 and slow decline afterward d – most of energy comes from fossil fuels, reach peak 28Gton/yr (4 x present!!) by 2080; a cumulative of 2000Gtons, almost ½ of all recoverable fossil fuel reserves
Predicted concentrations a – most optimistic: concentrations of over 500 ppm by 2100 d – concentrations almost twice as high as in case a., 1000 ppm by 2100, 2 doubling since pre-industrial level, first doubling by From 1D, radiative-convective CM: doubling CO 2 increases global temperature by 2.5ºC (with H 2 O feedback), doubling it twice can lead to an increase of 5ºC (9ºF) over the next century. Note that so far warming is about 1ºC (0.7ºC), so these predictions indicate that our climate might warm faster than in the past.
Radiative forcing from other gases Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide - all linked to population, anthropogenic activities, agriculture, etc. all contribute to the radiative forcing (= change in outgoing IR radiation flux due to change in concentration of these gases) Doubling CO W/m 2, which leads to 2.5ºC increase in temperature according to SCMs, or ºC in GCMs From the figure: CO W/m 2, CH W/m 2, CO W/m 2 over the past 1000 years
Our C-cycle lab, scenario 1
Our C-cycle lab, scenario 2
Our C-cycle lab, scenario 3
Our C-cycle lab, scenario 4
IPCC 2007 Climate Projections 3. Changes to the Climate System 1. changes in atmospheric composition are put into a climate model, which calculates the radiative balance of the earth, and the resulting changes in the distribution of energy and temperature 2. particular attention is paid to surface air temperatures and to sea level rise – shown in the figure is predicted trends in global Ts for the four scenarios described before IPCC 2001
1. changes in atmospheric composition are put into a climate model, which calculates the radiative balance of the earth, and the resulting changes in the distribution of energy and temperature 2. particular attention is paid to surface air temperatures and to sea level rise – shown in the figure: Predicted sea-level change for the four scenarios described earlier; range: 30 cm for scenario a. to 50 cm for case d. Climate Projections 3. Changes to the Climate System Note: the concern is with the rate of increase, as this shows that it would be 2 to 3 times faster than the rate of increase in the past century IPCC 2001
Climate Projections 4. Uncertainties 1. Uncertainties in every step are addressed: 2. Economic, technological, carbon cycle, and social uncertainties are addressed by including a large number of scenarios 3. Climate model uncertainties are addressed by including ranges of results from different models IPCC 2007 IPCC 2001 IPCC 2007
take-home messages:
Sea Level Rise 1. caused by an increase in the volume of water stored in the oceans. What causes this increase in volume? Increase amount, decrease density 2. increase in the amount: Melting of ice that is on land 3. decrease in the density: thermal expansion 4. estimates of local impacts must include local vertical movements due to glacial rebound, sedimentation changes, and other local effects global sea level follows global temperature trend - about 12 cm since 1880
Sea Level Rise Sources of land-ice that might have contributed to past, and could contribute to future, global sea level rise: 1.Glaciers: believed to have contributed about half of past century’s global sea level rise (the other half due to thermal expansion) 2.Greenland ice sheet: contains enough water to raise sea level by 7 meters; previous contribution to sea level rise is unknown, but most likely had a positive contribution (lost mass during the past few decades). 3.Antarctic ice sheet: contains enough water to raise sea level by > 60 meters (East Antarctica) but it may melt less than Greenland’s. Also snowfall may increase over Antarctica thickening the sheet over next century, therefore global sea level MIGHT decrease instead. Ice flow on West Antarctica is dynamic, and its potential response to climate change is unknown. 4.West Antarctica: less water but behaves differently – here ice flows and forms ‘floating chunks’ (ice shelves) of ice grounded off the continents, if temperature increases, they may become free-floating ice, generates friction, hence more heat, hence more melting! This can add SIGNIFICANTLY to present prediction of sea level rise due to Greenland’s ice sheet melt (which is most likely).
West Antarctica Ice Flow Ice Shelves: are grounded at several points offshore; affected by water temperatures; if they are removed, ice will flow faster
Sea level rise due to 1. Thermal expansion - half of rise * 0.7 °C during 20th century responsible for about 7 cm rise * changes in deep ocean: very slow, mostly due to Milankovitch cycles which can be responsible for 5 msea-level fluctuations over longer period (recorded) 2. Melting of mountain glaciers - this has been in the news as being much faster and more widespread as previously thought
Changes in thermohaline circulation – possible impact Possible changes to N. Atlantic downwelling, which could affect regional temperatures. If the N. Atlantic freshens sufficiently, downwelling might decrease, or cease, leading to cooler surface ocean and cooler regional climate.
Possible effects on ecosystems 1. Different plant species more adapted to higher CO2 and higher temperature levels. e.g. C3 plants are expected to increase productivity at elevated CO2 levels more than C4 plants; this could affect agriculture. 2. Forest composition expected to vary, depending on temperature and other environmental controls 3. Plant and animal migrations expected to affect ecosystems; different than earlier events because of speed of change, and disruption of migration paths by human settlement High water holding capacity Low water holding capacity
Economics of Climate Change 1.Intergenerational equity: benefiting from things for which future generations will have to pay; discounting costs and benefits 2.Other equity issues: “Developing” vs “developed” countries: who is more responsible, those who emitted in the past, or those in the future? 3.Externalized costs: Some of the costs associated with “a product” are paid for by society in general, not the polluter. So, cost of cleaning up are not included in the price.
Policies to mitigate global warming 1.Conservation – use less energy (not likely to happen); plant trees; 2.Alternative energy – using energy from non fossil-fuel (non greenhouse emitting) sources. Nuclear, wind, tidal, geothermal, biomass-based fuels, solar 3.Methods to decrease CO2 emissions. CO2 tax – extra tax on high-CO2 emission fuels; tax determined by mpg regulations; carbon sequestration