Basic Sentence Patterns I English Syntax 6th meeting
Pattern I : SV (Subject + Verb) Our girls smile. Subject InV. The verb in Pattern I is intransitive verb. They finished late. The birds sing.
Pattern 2 : SVC (Subject + Verb + Subjective Complement) The man is drunk. He became the vice president. Subpattern 2A : NP + LV + Adjective The food is good. NP LV Adj Subpattern 2B : NP¹ + LV +NP¹ My friend is a doctor NP¹ LV NP¹
Pattern 3 : SVA ( Subject + Verb + Adverbial) The girl is here Subject Verb Adverbial Pattern 3 is usually confused with Pattern 2A, but pattern 3 can’t follow the pattern 2A’s expansion. The wolf is very hungry = Pattern 2A The wolf is very outside = Pattern 3
Pattern 4 : SVO ( Subject + Verb + Direct Object) The girl bought a dress. Subject TranVerb Direct Obj. In pattern 4 the verb that is used is transitive verb, therefore, it needs direct object. Normally the subject and object have different referent except if the object in reflexive pronoun and reciprocal pronoun. I saw myself They hate each other.