DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Goal: to identify clusters of development under the aspect of differing cultural perceptions of sustainable development by using regionally comparable and periodically adjustable Indicators. Objectives / contents:
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano We need data… Objective data to ensure that our information is regionally comparable and to be able to confer it with the subjective data. The objective data are periodically adjustable because they are derived from the decennial censuses as well as from other official data sources. Subjective data to discover the cultural differences and varying perceptions of the stakeholders in the alpine communities. The subjective data are derived from surveys sent to leaders of the municipalities.
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano PILLARS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What we need… Social WelfareEnvironment Economy
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano DIMENSIONS What we need… Social WelfareEnvironment Economy Describe the most important aspects of the three pillars PILLARS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Essential inputs from WP 7
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano DIMENSIONS What we need… Social WelfareEnvironment Economy EducationJob market… PILLARS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Social WelfareEnvironment Economy VARIABLES/ INDICATORS DIMENSIONS Objective information derived from statistical data from the last two censuses in each country and other data sources What we need… EducationJob market… PILLARS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP 7
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Social WelfareEnvironment Economy VARIABLES/ INDICATORS DIMENSIONS Theory… EducationJob market… Activity Rate Rate of University Degrees Rate of High School Degrees Jobrelated Commuting … … PILLARS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Objective / subjective… Subjective, personal view Objective, statistical view Regional development Survey Censuses, other data sources
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano The survey… Questions to a representative of the municipality on the dimension level GoodBad 0105 Education Example: How good/bad do you see the situation of your municipality in this field?
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano ImportantUnimportant 1105 Importance of Education The survey… Example: How important is this issue to you?
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Furthermore they will be asked to rate their surrounding communities and important municipalities in the same region. The survey…
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Objective, statistical view The combination… Subjective, personal view Regional development
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Planned outcome… Clusters of development
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Department of Economic Theory of the University of Innsbruck Refinement of the concept in collaboration with our partners from the Department of Economic Theory of the University of Innsbruck Gathering of fundamental data for our database Checking availability of statistical data in the different countries First steps in developing of landscape indicators Gathering of addresses of the municipalities almost completed Close collaboration and data exchange with Konstanze Schönthaler, WP 7 which, beginning of next year, will lead to a detailed definition and planning of the next work steps, preparation of a timetable and identification of requirements from the partners Progress to date… Timetable
DIAMONT Meeting, September 8-9 th 2005 in Bozen/Bolzano Feedback from partners and discussion