Greek Roots Meaning Examples -astro-, -aster- star astronaut, asteroid -cosmo world; order cosmopolitan -eu- good; well eulogy, euphemism -gno-, -kno- know; skill gnomes, knowledge -hypno- sleep hypnosis
Greek Roots Meaning Examples -mis- hatred of misanthrope -ortho- straight orthopedic -pseudo- false pseudonym -the-, -them-, -thet- place; put -theo- god theology
Greek Prefixes Meaning Examples 11-anti- against antibody, antisocial dia- through; across diagram, dialectic hypo- under; below hypodermic, hypoallergenic para- beside; beyond paralegal, parallel peri- around periscope, periphery
Greek suffixes Meaning Examples 16-ess female poetess, lioness -ic having; showing paraplegic, tonic -ize resemble; cause to be Americanize, ostracize -meter measure thermometer, barometer -oid like; resembling factoid, android
Latin Roots Meaning Examples -anima-, -anim- life; mind animal, animate -aqua- water aquarium, aquanaut -cid-, -cis- cut off; kill homicide, concise -cor-, -card- heart coronary, cardiac -fum- smoke; scent fumigate, perfume -gen- race; family genealogy, progenitor -leg- law legal, legislate -noc-, -nox- night equinox, nocturne -tract- pull; draw attract, subtraction -voc-, -vok- voice; call vocal, revoke
Latin Prefixes Meaning Examples bene- good benefit, benediction contra- against contradict, contrast extra- outside extracurricular, extraordinary intra- within intravenous, intramural trans- across; over transatlantic, transcend
Latin suffixes Meaning Examples -age act; result of marriage; voyage -fic making; creating horrific; scientific -ive relating to; belonging to inquisitive; sportive -let small piglet; rivulet -ure act; state of being leisure; composure
Anglo-Saxon/old English prefixes Meaning Examples be- around bedew, beget for- away; off; from forget, forgo mis- badly; not mishap, mistake over- above overlook, overcoat un- not; reverse unsound, unkempt
Anglo-Saxon/old English suffixes Meaning Example -en become brighten, sullen -ful full of; marked by cheerful, fearful -ness quality; state kindness, craziness -ship quality of kinship, relationship -ward in the direction forward, skyward
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