Format:Business/Financial News & Talk Financial, Lifestyle & Business News Full Stock Market Coverage In-Depth Capital Markets Key-Business-Financial-Political-Guests Ticker on the Tens-Market Alerts Local/National/International News Traffic-Weather-Sports Power:40,000 watts Days, 2,500 watts Nights Launched:January 2001 Station Overview
Coverage Southern, NH Eastern, MA Northern, RI 40,000 Watts Day 2,500 Watts Night
Award winning, talk format. Personality driven featuring credible, experienced, business and financial experts. Information partners: Dow Jones Reports, Boston Globe, Boston Herald, CBS, Market Watch, NECN, Fox News, Metro Traffic, Etc. Programming Lineup
Age 52.4% A % A55-65 Gender % Male Education 46% College Grad 27% Advance Degree Occupation 39.9% Business Owner/Partner/Corp Officer 53.2 Banking/Finance/Stock Broker/Planners 14.4 Sales Income % $75K+ Audience Profile
39% are Key Influencers in Business Decisions 14.6 % are Opinion Leaders Asked to Recommend Bank 47% have Liquid Assets $ % plan to Buy a Car/Van/Truck/Sport Utility nest 12 months 42.4 % plan to Remodel Home in next 12 months 47.7 % own Power Boat 43.9 % bank at Bank of America 14.6 % bank at Sovereign Consumers & Influencers
Partnership with The Business Station AM 1060 WBIX and you can have: On-air interview with key Announcer(s) Sponsorship of key business programming features Sponsorship of WBIX “Ticker on the Tens” On-air and on-line announcements and information distribution On air promotion merchandising the “Client Credo” WBIX Promotional Opportunities
About WBIX WBIX Business 1060 is THE business station in Boston delivering business content, for professionals and high end consumers, throughout the business day. Nearly five years old, our loyal audience continues to grow every day. We have penetrated the financial heart of New England and are well branded among Boston area business professionals. Client message will reach one of the region’s largest collections of business professionals, a group that responds well to both branding and Life style messages. Boston’s Business 1060, WBIX delivers: Active Consumers: WBIX listeners seek financial/business news and information. They work hard. They play hard. They live life to the fullest and they are actively listening. Thus your message is showcased in a truly front of mind commercial environment. High Caliber Consumers: WBIX listeners are nearly twice as likely as average to be in Executive Management & more than three times as likely to be company President or CEO. These consumers have discretionary income. Broad Range: WBIX’s 40,000 Watt Signal covers the entire Boston market & parts of NH, & RI. Foreground Format: WBIX is a foreground format, providing business and financial information listeners need, keeping them tuned-in through breaks so that the Client message will not be missed. Prime Day-Parts: WBIX broadcasts Business and Lifestyle Programming Mon – Sun 6a – 7p, capitalizing on prime business listening daytime hours.
WBIX Advertising Rates On-air and on line Commercial Rate quoted on request Banner Advertisements $350/month Rotation on the RIBN Business1060.com streaming audio page. Includes link to advertiser web-site or jump-page.. Call Dan Merrick Toll Free Ext. 704 See Rate Table Below for Current Rates for on air commercials on Instructions To Money Radio & RIBN