SWE 415: Software Testing and Quality Assurance Section 01, 12:00-12:50pm, 22:130 Spring Semester (072) King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Information & Computer Science Department
Instructor: Dr. Wasfi Al-Khatibوصفي الخطيب Office: (22) Office hours: –SMW 1:00-1:50pm, SM 4:00-4:50pm –By Appointment. Phone: Important Preliminaries
Feedback Slip
Current Catalog Description Concept of software quality, and software quality metrics. Software quality assurance planning & implementation. Quality process standards. Validation & verification. Reviews, walkthroughs, & inspections. Mechanisms for validating software systems. Techniques for generating and validating test data. Students participate in a group project on software validation and verification.
Course Material Prerequisites: ICS 253 and SWE 316. Text Book –John McGregor and David A. Sykes, A Practical Guide to Testing Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley, 2001, ISBN: References –Additional References and Handouts will be distributed
Topics (Tentative and Unordered) Introduction to software quality assurance Inspections and reviews Principles of software validation Software verification Software testing Specification based test construction techniques White-box and gray-box testing Control flow oriented test construction techniques Data flow oriented test construction techniques Cleanroom approach to quality assurance
Grading Policy Homeworks10% Project20% Pop Quizzes5% Quizzes10% Two Major Exams30% Final Exam25%
Important Dates TaskDate [and Time]LocationWeight Quiz 1Wednesday February 27, 2008In class2% Quiz 2Wednesday March 12, 2008In class2% Major Exam IMonday March 24, :30-9:30pmTBA15% Quiz 3Wednesday April 9, 2008In class2% Quiz 4Wednesday April 30, 2008In class2% Major Exam IIMonday May 12, :30-9:30pmTBA15% Quiz5Wednesday May 28, 2008In class2% Final ExamSunday June 8, :30-9:30amTBA25%
Remarks (1) Homeworks: No late homework will be accepted. Discussing questions among your classmates and on Blackboard is highly encouraged. Copying homework solutions from each other is NOT permitted and will be considered CHEATING. Quizzes: minute. Each covers material given since the last quiz or major exam. Pop Quizzes: 5-10 minute. Each covers material given during the same lecture. Exams, homeworks and quizzes are generally CHALLENGING
Remarks (2) Attendance will be checked each class. Unexcused Absences Policies: –The first FOUR absences are FREE of charge. –The FIFTH absence is worth -2.5 of your maximum 100 total. –Each subsequent absence, up to the NINTH absence, is worth –The TENTH absence will result in an automatic DN. –An unexcused absence becomes an excused absence ONLY by an official letter from the Deanship of Students’ Affairs Office.
Remarks (3) Students are expected to be courteous toward the instructor and their classmates throughout the duration of this course. All cell phones and pagers must be turned off during class and exams.
24-Hour Policy One has 24 hours to object to the grade of a homework, [pop] quiz or a major from the end of the class time in which the graded exam/homework papers have been distributed. If for some reason you cannot contact me within this period, send me an requesting an appointment. The should be sent within the 24-hour time period.
CHEATING POLICY Cheating in one category will result in a zero for the whole category. For example, if cheating is confirmed in homework 3, this will result in 0 out of 10% [which means that there is no need to submit any additional homework]. An additional 5% will be deducted from the overall total (out of 100). A3_Marcuhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C4%83nu%C5% A3_Marcu