Binary Counting with Chemical Reactions Aleksandra Kharam, Hua Jiang, Marc Riedel, and Keshab Parhi Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Minnesota
Signal 10, 2, 12, 8, 4, 8, 10, 2, … 5, 6, 7, 10, 6, 6, 9, 6, … inputoutput Electronics Chemical Reactions Molecular computations In ElectronicsIn Chemistry Input Output
Modeled by Ordinary Differential Equations: inputoutput ac Playing by The Rules + k b cba
Principles of Binary Counting ZYX
ZYX Intuitive Model
Algorithm ` X inj ZYX 0 0 0
Prereactants and Absence Indicators Molecular Type X Absence indicator a x
Prereactants and Absence Indicators Molecular Type X Absence indicator a x Prereactant X p Prereactant for the next type Y p
Modified Algorithm
Three-Phase Synchronization But how do we know that a group of molecules is absent ? R r
Basic AlgorithmThree-Phase Synchronization
Final Design
Simulation Results
zx Mapping to Experimental Chassis Auxiliary Complexes Reactants Products * D. Soloveichik et al: “DNA as a Universal Substrate for Chemical Kinetics.” PNAS, Mar 2010
Conclusion Robustness: - the design is rate independent. Future and related work: - generalizing to n-bit counter; - borrowing idea from digital logic (edge triggered clock ); - computing variety of functions
Questions? Thanks to PSB organizers, NSF, BICB, and UROP NSF CAREER Award # NSF EAGER Grant # Biomedical Informatics & Computational Biology UMN / Mayo Clinic / IBM
Some additional slides
Three-Phase Synchronization