OTC (Click to begin)
Oregon Tribal College Bringing Education To The Native Community Link Shadley OSU Extended Campus
A Different Way of Thinking No Campus No Travel
OTC Everywhere Warm Springs UmatillaKlamath Burns Paiute CoquilleCoos Cow Creek Grand Ronde Siletz Celilo
OSU is a Partner
Why? Oregon State University is a ‘Land Grant’ College with a mission to serve all people in Oregon. ‘New Generation’ education brings the college to the people. ‘Culturally Appropriate’ means Indian Control, Indian Staff and Indian Students.
Concept - Administration Board of Governors appointed by each Tribe
Concept - Infrastructure Class space at each Tribe & OSU OSU
Concept - Telecommunications Broadband & Video Conferencing OSU All Connected
Concept – Local Broadband Broadband to student’s home OSU Wired or wireless access to homes.
Concept - Classes Education that helps the Tribe & Community Natural Resources Forestry Fisheries Casino & hospitality Childcare Healthcare Culture & language Education Business Management
OTC Opportunity OSU Will Assist with Charter OSU Will Assist with Accreditation Until OTC Achieves Their Own (3 years) OSU Will Assist In Obtaining Funding and Support OSU Will Assist With Classes As Appropriate
Status Interest & Enthusiasm from Tribal Education Departments Interest & Enthusiasm from Congressional Delegation Interest & Enthusiasm from OSU
Next Steps Assemble advisory group Formal Resolution of Support from each Tribe & ATNI Survey each Tribe for facilities and broadband planning
Resolutions Resolution Whereas Therefore be it resolved Adopted
Assemble Board of Governors
Technology Plan Bandwidth Wireless T/V Conferencing Network Plan Hardware Software Training Support
Timeline Contact all Tribal Education Directors Meet with all Tribal Education Directors on site Initial Infrastructure Survey Develop preliminary costs and plans Apply for Charter Begin Funding Applications Convene Advisory Group Obtain Resolutions of Support from each Tribe Assist with Appointing Board of Governors Obtain ATNI Resolution of Support
Outcome – 3 to 5 Years Dynamic Broadband Network Reaching All Tribes to Provide Interesting, Appropriate and Effective Education Fully Accredited Land Grant College, Self Supporting, of, by and for Native American People in Oregon and beyond Native American Students Preparing to Help Themselves and Their People.
Benefits Native American Control of the College Culturally Appropriate and Student Friendly Students Stay In Community Part Time and Adult Returning Students Welcome Broadband to Homes Provide 24/7 Access Broadband to Homes Serve Disabled
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