Related Anatomy Unit 9 Endocrine
1. Hormones The endocrine system is several glands that secrete hormones ( chemical messengers) to control growth, reproduction, use of nutrients, electrolyte balance, metobolic rate and reduce stress. Endocrine means NO Duct. These hormones do not leave the body as exocrine glands like sweat, oil, mammory.
2. Endocrine Glands Pituitary Thyroid Islets of Langerhans (pancreas) Adrenal Ovary & Testis
3. Pituitary Gland MASTER GLAND Brain Size of pea Hormones Posterior oxytocin( breast milk and labor) ADH(BP, fluid balance) Anterior growth hormone prolactin- milk tropic- other
4. Thyroid In neck, butterfly Growth and development Thyroxine- synthroid Goiter Iodine- salt
Thyroid- Goiter
5. Secretions Hyper- overHypo- under
6. Islets of Langerhans Gland in the Pancreas Insulin- lowers the glucose in blood Glucagon- raises the glucose in blood Diabetes Type I early onset Type II over 40
7. Adrenal Gland 2- on ea kidney Part of sympathetic nervous system Emergency response Epinephrine- adrenalin Norepinephrine
8&9. Adrenal gland - Cortex Glucocorticoids- cope with stress Mineralocorticoids- water & salt balance Sex steroids
Sex Hormones Ovaries Estrogen Progesterone Testes Testosterone
The End