SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study [Presenter’s Organization] [Presenter’s Name] [Presenter’s Title] Accelerating solutions for highway safety, renewal, reliability, and capacity
SHRP 2 SHRP 2 was authorized by Congress in the 2005 highway legislation $170 million, 7 years ( ) Four Research Focus Areas: SafetyReliability Renewal Capacity
Why is Highway Safety Important? Improving highway safety is a very important issue in the United States: – 411,000 people were killed on our nation’s roads in the past 10 years, – 27,153,000 people were injured during the same time period, and – Highway fatalities are the leading cause of death for young people aged 15 to 20. Almost everyone here knows someone who was injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash – so… How can you help?
Why is Highway Safety Important?
The SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study Will collect driving data from 3,100 people driving their own vehicles, going about their daily routines for either one or two years Data will be used for decades to come by researchers seeking to improve highway and driving safety The study needs more volunteer drivers, and that is why we are here today.
What is a Naturalistic Driving Study? Install inconspicuous cameras and sensors on people’s own vehicles Participants drive normally for an extended period SHRP 2 is the largest, most diverse, most ambitious study of this type – in the world!
Why do a Naturalistic Driving Study? Provides a unique view into the circumstances surrounding a crash or other safety event –More accurate and useful than police reports Can compare these events with ordinary driving data –To determine crash risks for different driver, vehicle, and environmental factors
Why is the SHRP 2 NDS Special? Size (3,100 drivers) Duration (two years) Geographic extent (six locations) Includes roadway data Long-term access to data for ongoing research
SHRP 2 NDS Study Sites
Participants (You?) Men and women in 7 age groups: 3,100 participants in all Some participate for 1 year, some for 2 years Minor Teen (16-17)Younger Older Driver (51-65) Adult Teen (18-20)Middle Older Driver (66-75) Young Adult (21-35)Older Older Driver (76+) Middle Adult (36-50)
Vehicles 1,950 vehicles on the road at one time 3,900 years worth of driving data Passenger cars, vans, SUVs, pickups Cooperation from car companies: –Selection of makes, models, years –Advanced technologies
12 DAS System Components
Head unit (as seen from passenger seat) DAS (mounted under passenger shelf) Front radar
Accelerometer Data –Braking –Accelerating –Swerving GPS Forward Radar Cabin alcohol indicator Incident push button (opens audio channel for 30 seconds) Video (4 camera views) Turn signals Vehicle network data –Accelerator –Brake pedal activation –Speed –Horn –Seat Belt Information –Airbag deployment What Data will be Collected?
15 Camera Views
What Would I Have to Do? Part 1 Take a screening questionnaire to see if you (and your vehicle) are eligible –Phone or online options Schedule a [four] hour time period: –Consent process –Get the vehicle instrumented –Undergo an assessment (vision, driving history, sleep habits, etc.)
Driver Data/Assessment Demographics Driving history Driving knowledge Driving behavior Medical conditions Sleep habits Risk perception and risky behavior Sensation seeking Vision, strength, mobility
What Would I Have to Do? Part 2 Drive as you normally would (1 or 2 years) Occasional data downloads –Done by project personnel at your convenience If in a crash, let us know –Interviews conducted for selected crashes At end of study: –Return vehicle to site to have DAS removed –Answer a few final questionnaires –Receive final payment
Payment There is compensation in the amount of [$300 or $500] per year –[$300 or $500] total for one year participants –[$600 or $1000] total for two year participants Paid via [check or direct deposit] –At 3 points in time for one year participants –At 5 points in time for two year participants [Also entered into a drawing for $1000 for every six months enrolled in the study –Odds of winning are 1 in 150]
Expected Uses of SHRP 2 NDS Data Roadway: improved design, operations, signage, hardware, etc. Distracted driving: policies, laws on use of hand- held devices, texting, etc., for teens or broader population Drowsiness: policies, regulations for commercial drivers Vehicle design/technologies: integrate advanced technologies to minimize or reduce distraction, evaluate crash warning algorithms Other: planning, highway operations, fuel efficiency, environmental effects
Expected Data Sharing After SHRP 2 In order to provide long term safety benefits, we need to provide researchers widest possible access to all data But we must also protect privacy of participants Methods: –Data sharing agreements consistent with privacy protections in approved consent form –Security: physical, hardware, firmware, software, and encryption –Institutional Review Board(s) oversight –External oversight committee for all processes
We Take Your Privacy Seriously Legal protections: –We have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the Department of Health and Human Services Technical and logistical protections: –Identifying data and information highly protected Contact information Face video Audio (if incident button was pressed) GPS coordinates of home, work, school locations Must be viewed in a secure data enclave by qualified researchers who have received approval to use the data
[Add Other Slides As Appropriate] [Customized slides for site, intended audience, special age groups, etc.]
Questions? Go to: For more information To see if you are eligible To see how your vehicle will look To view a study video and consent forms Or call to get screened