“Managing Applied Nitrogen on Winter Canola in the Pacific Northwest” Idaho Oil Seed Conference February 12, 2009 Moscow, Idaho Don Wysocki, Tom Chastain, Daryl Ehrensing and Nick Sirovatka Oregon State University Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center Pendleton, Oregon
Objective Determine the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate for winter canola Eastern Oregon Willamette Valley
OSU Canola Fertilizer Guide
Nitrogen Nitrogen recommendation for various expected yields. Expected Yield (lb/acre) Nitrogenlb/acre
Nitrogen Recommendation Nitrogen Recommendation (Exp. Yield X N Requirement) - Soil test nitrogen Example: 3000 lb expected yield Soil test = 0-1 ft ft ft 15 (X 7lb/100lb = = 145 N/acre
Rosette Bolt Bloom
Nitrogen rates on winter canola N Treatment rate lb added per 100 lb of expected grain yield 00.5X3.5 1X X11.0 2X14.0
Sowing Date: Sept. 18, Previous crop: Winter Wheat Cultivars Athena Irrigation : 3” prior to plant 11” April to harvest 5 replications Assure II November 17 Soil Test: 50 lb N/acre 0-3’ Expected Yield: 4000 Pre-plant N: 0, 120, 240, 360, 480 (46-0-0) Harvest: “push” June 23, combine July 8 Hermiston Trial
Sowing Date: Sept. 11, Previous crop: Grass seed Four cultivars: Athena, Baldur, Kronos, Virginia, 4 replications Herbicide: Trefan PPI Pre-plant N: 50 lb N/acre dry (46-0-0) Spring N: 0, 50, 100, and 150 lb/acre February 20 Harvest: swath June 27, combine July 11 Corvallis Trial
Summary Canola has N requirements similar to wheat Critical Yield recommendations of 7 lb N/100 lb grain yield reasonable provided drought or heat do not lower expected yields Split applications are recommended in the Willamette Valley, with majority of N in the early spring