Milking Protocol Topic 3091 Dairy Basic Concepts Melinda Klockziem
The Udder Four Quarters Each quarter contains one teat Alveoli Milk storage within the udder
Milk Letdown On average 7 minutes Controlled by Hormone Oxytocin Pituitary gland Frightened Cow Release Adrenaline which cancels the effect of oxytocin.
Milk Letdown Composition of milk Changes from beginning to end First milk Low solid content Last milk Solid content increases during the milking process Highest percentage of protein and fat
Preparation for Milking Wash Udder Removes bacteria Stimulates oxytocin Dry Udder With disposable towel
Preparation for Milking Attach Claw Four tubular teat cups Rubber inflations Two hoses Transport milk Applies negative pressure
Milking Systems Milking Parlor Milk recorded per cow Milkers stand in pit behind cow Udders at chest level cowstomilk.htm
Milking Systems Stanchion Barns Milk moves directly to common transfer line into storage tank
Post Milking Remove Claw Shut off vacuum Some are automatic Dip Teats Iodine to prevent infection blockade.ihtml