Competition for resourcesCompetition for resources –Carcass sharing in burying beetles DiseaseDisease CuckoldryCuckoldry
Dogma for colonial breedingDogma for colonial breeding –Limited options force coloniality Data from a number of spp. fail to support dogmaData from a number of spp. fail to support dogma
The “many eyes” hypothesisThe “many eyes” hypothesis –Chaotic dynamics –Why not cheat? Dilution effectsDilution effects –In breeding synchrony Confusion effectsConfusion effects Group defenseGroup defense Abiotic factorsAbiotic factors –Monarchs –Penguins
The geometry of the selfish herdThe geometry of the selfish herd –The “domain of danger”
How does selfish herding apply to immobile aggregations?How does selfish herding apply to immobile aggregations? –Breeding colonies –Anchored animals In herons, colonial exposed nesting is unstableIn herons, colonial exposed nesting is unstable
Allee effectsAllee effects –Hunting in lions –Dam building in beavers Food sharingFood sharing –Vampire bats
Ward and Zahavi’s information centerWard and Zahavi’s information center –Applies to large, ephemeral food sources Schooling fishSchooling fish CarrionCarrion –Key point Benefits go to followersBenefits go to followers Reciprocity requiredReciprocity required –What if followers don’t ask ? The recruitment centerThe recruitment center –Returning animals actively recruit for own benefit –Benefits of group foraging Predation, competition, etc.Predation, competition, etc. ICH or RCH?ICH or RCH?
Seabirds were colonial first, then became marineSeabirds were colonial first, then became marine Is food finding a secondary benefit of coloniality?Is food finding a secondary benefit of coloniality?
Not selection for coloniality, but selection for X which resulted in colonialityNot selection for coloniality, but selection for X which resulted in coloniality The Ideal Free Distribution and aggregationThe Ideal Free Distribution and aggregation
Social attraction might be an EES for purposes of habitat choiceSocial attraction might be an EES for purposes of habitat choice –Copy choices made by successful breeders –Avoid weighing all costs and benefits
Females drive aggregation by preferring social mates who are physically close to desirable sex partnersFemales drive aggregation by preferring social mates who are physically close to desirable sex partners –“Hidden leks”