The CrossGrid Project Marcel Kunze, FZK representing the X#-Collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

The CrossGrid Project Marcel Kunze, FZK representing the X#-Collaboration

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Main Objectives New category of Grid enabled applications Computing and data intensive Distributed Interactive, near real time response (a person in a loop) Layered New programming tools Grid more user friendly, secure and efficient Interoperability with other Grids Implementation of standards

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Poland: Cyfronet & INP Cracow PSNC Poznan ICM & IPJ Warsaw Portugal: LIP Lisbon Spain: CSIC Santander Valencia & RedIris UAB Barcelona USC Santiago & CESGA Ireland: TCD Dublin Italy: DATAMAT Netherlands: UvA Amsterdam Germany: FZK Karlsruhe TUM Munich USTU Stuttgart Slovakia: II SAS Bratislava Greece: Algosystems Demo Athens AuTh Thessaloniki Cyprus: UCY Nikosia Austria: U.Linz 21 institutes 11 countries CrossGrid Collaboration

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK GRIDLAB GRIA EGSO DATATAG CROSSGRID DATAGRID Applications GRIP EUROGRID DAMIEN Middleware & Tools Underlying Infrastructures Science Industry / business - Links with European National efforts - Links with US projects (GriPhyN, PPDG, iVDGL,…) IST Grid Project Space

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Collaboration with other # Projects Objective – Exchange of Information Software components Partners DATAGRID DATATAG GRIDLAB EUROGRID and GRIP GRIDSTART Participation in GGF

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Project Phases M 1 - 3: requirements definition and merging M : first development phase: design, 1st prototypes, refinement of requirements M : second development phase: integration of components, 2nd prototypes M : third development phase: complete integration, final code versions M : final phase: demonstration and documentation

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Network infrastructure, archivers, HPC/HPV systems, Labour instruments, etc.Local domain services Protocols, Authentication, Authorization, Access policy, Resource management, etc. Remote Data Access Optimization Monitoring Schedulers Roaming Access Portals Interactive simulation and visualisation of a biomedical system Flooding crisis team support Distributed Data Analysis in High Energy Physics Weather forecast and air pollution modeling FABRIC INFRASTRUCTURE GridSERVICES TOOLS APPLICATIONS GLOBUS TOOLKIT, Condor-G,... DATAGRID SET OF TOOLS Grid Visualization Kernel Benchmarks Structure Overview

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK CrossGrid Architecture Applications And Supporting Tools Applications Development Support Grid Common Services Grid Visualisation Kernel Data Mining on Grid Data Mining on Grid Interactive Distributed Data Access Globus Replica Manager Roaming Access Grid Resource Management Grid Resource Management Grid Monitoring MPICH-G Distributed Data Collection User Interaction Service DataGrid Replica Manager DataGrid Replica Manager Datagrid Job Manager GRAM GSI Replica Catalog GASS MDS GridFTP Globus-IO Resource Manager Resource Manager CPU Resource Manager Resource Manager Resource Manager Resource Manager Secondary Storage Resource Manager Resource Manager Scientific Instruments (Medical Scaners, Satelites, Radars) Resource Manager Resource Manager Detector Local High Level Trigger Detector Local High Level Trigger Resource Manager Resource Manager VR systems (Caves, immerse desks) VR systems (Caves, immerse desks) Resource Manager Resource Manager Visualization tools Optimization of Data Access Tertiary Storage Local Resources Biomedical Application Biomedical Application Portal Performance Analysis MPI Verification Metrics and Benchmarks HEP High LevelTrigger Flood Application Flood Application HEP Interactive Distributed Data Access Application HEP Data Mining on Grid Application HEP Data Mining on Grid Application Weather Forecast application Weather Forecast application

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Layered Structure Interactive and Data Intensive Applications (WP1)  I nteractive simulation and visualization of a biomedical system  Flooding crisis team support  Distributed data analysis in HEP  Weather forecast and air pollution modeling Grid Application Programming Environment (WP2)  MPI code debugging and verification  Metrics and benchmarks  Interactive and semiautomatic performance evaluation tools Grid Visualization Kernel Data Mining New CrossGrid Services (WP3) Globus Middleware Fabric Infrastructure (Testbed WP4) DataGrid GriPhyN... Services HLA  Portals and roaming access  Grid resource management  Grid monitoring  Optimization of data access

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Scope of Applications Applications in health and environment Data federation, processing and interpretation in geographically distributed locations Fast, interactive decision making Interactive access to distributed Databases Super computers and High Performance Clusters Visualisation engines Medical scanners Environmental data input devices

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Application Requirements High quality presentation High frame rate Intuitive interaction Real-time response Interactive algorithms High performance computing and networking Distributed resources and data

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Role of Network Latency Communication delay and rendering delay are negligible

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK CrossGrid Application Development (WP1) Interactive simulation and visualisation of a biomedical system Grid-based system for pre-treatment planning in vascular interventional and surgical procedures through real-time interactive simulation of vascular structure and flow. Flooding crisis team support Distributed interactive data analysis in HEP Focus on LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) Weather forecast and air pollution modelling Porting distributed/parallel codes on Grid Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System STEM-II Air Pollution Code

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Interactive Simulation and Visualisation of a Biomedical System Grid-based prototype system for treatment planning in vascular interventional and surgical procedures through near real-time interactive simulation of vascular structure and flow. The system will consist of a distributed near real-time simulation environment, in which a user interacts in Virtual Reality (VR) and other interactive display environments. A 3D model of the arteries, derived using medical imaging techniques, will serve as input to a simulation environment for blood flow calculations. The user will be allowed to change the structure of the arteries, thus mimicking an interventional or surgical procedure.

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Current Situation Observation Diagnosis & Planning Treatment

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Experimental Setup

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Angio w/ Fem-Fem & Fem-Pop AFB w/ E-S Prox. Anast. Angio w/ Fem-Fem AFB w/ E-E Prox. Anast. Preop Alternatives Simulation Based Planning and Treatment

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK VR-Interaction

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Flood Crisis Prevention Support system for establishment and operation of Virtual Organization for Flood Forecasting associating a set of individuals and institutions involved in flood prevention and protection. The system will employ a Grid technology to seamlessly connect together the experts, data and computing resources needed for quick and correct flood management decisions. The main component of the system will be a highly automated early warning system based on hydro-meteorological (snowmelt) rainfall-runoff simulations. System will integrate the advanced communication techniques allowing the crisis management teams to consult the decisions with various experts. The experts will be able to run the simulations with changed parameters and analyze the impact.

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Storage systems databases surface automatic meteorological and hydrological stations systems for acquisition and processing of satellite information meteorologica l radars External sources of information  Global and regional centers GTS  EUMETSAT and NOAA  Hydrological services of other countries Data sources meteorological models hydrological models hydraulic models HPC, HTC Grid infrastructure Flood crisis teams  meteorologists  hydrologists  hydraulic engineers Users  river authorities  energy  insurance companies  navigation  media  public Virtual Organization for Flood Forecasting

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Váh River Catchment Area: 19700km 2, 1/3 of Slovakia (Inflow point) Nosice Strečno (Outflow point) Pilot Site Catchment Area: 2500km 2 (above Strečno: 5500km 2 ) Váh River Pilot Site Flood Crisis Prevention Water stages/discharges in the real time operating hydrological stations Mapping of the flooded areas

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Flow + water depths Flood Simulations Results

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Distributed Analysis in High Energy Physics Challenging points Access to large distributed databases in the Grid Development of distributed data-mining techniques Definition of a layered application structure Integration of user-friendly interactive access (based on PROOF) Focus on LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb)

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK PROOF Local Remote Selection Parameters Procedure Proc.C PROOF CPU TagD B RD B DB 1 DB 4 DB 5 DB 6 DB 3 DB 2

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Weather Forecast and Air Pollution Modeling Integration of distributed databases into Grid Migration of data mining algorithms to Grid Porting distributed atmospheric & wave models to Grid Porting parallel codes for air quality models to Grid Integration, testing and demonstration of the application in the testbed environment

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK COAMPS Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System: Atmospheric Components Complex Data Quality Control Analysis: Multivariate Optimum Interpolation Analysis of Winds and Heights Univariate Analyses of Temperature and Moisture Optimum Interpolation Analysis of Sea Surface Temperature Initialization: Variational Hydrostatic Constraint on Analysis Increments Digital Filter Atmospheric Model: Numerics: Nonhydrostatic, Scheme C, Nested Grids, Sigma-z Physics: Convection, Explicit Moist Physics, Radiation, Surface Layer Features: Globally Relocatable (5 Map Projections) User-Defined Grid Resolutions, Dimensions, and Number of Nested Grids 6 or 12 Hour Incremental Data Assimilation Cycle Can be Used for Idealized or Real-Time Applications Single Configuration Managed System for All Applications Operational at: 7 Areas, Twice Daily, using 81/27/9 km or 81/27 km grids Forecasts to 72 hours Operational at all Navy Regional Centers (w/GUI Interface)

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Status Quo … Quo Vadis ? Current state (briefly) Simulation done on a single system or local clusters Visualisation on a single system, locally What we are going to achieve HPC, HTC, HPV in geographically distributed environment Improved interaction with the end user Near real time simulations Different visualisation equipments (adaptive according to the end-user needs), like PDA Workstations VR studio (e.g. CAVE)

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Grid Application Programming Environment (WP2) MPI code debugging and verification Metrics and benchmarks Interactive and semiautomatic performance evaluation tools Specify, develop, integrate, test tools for HPC and HTC applications on the Grid

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK New Grid Services and Tools (WP3) Portals and roaming access Grid resource management Grid monitoring Optimisation of data access Objectives To develop interactive compute- and data-intensive applications To develop user-friendly Grid environments To offer easy access to the applications and Grid To have reasonable trade-off between resource usage efficiency and application speedup To support management issues while accessing resources

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Auth Thessaloniki U v Amsterdam FZK Karlsruhe TCD Dublin U A Barcelona LIP Lisbon CSIC Valencia CSIC Madrid USC Santiago CSIC Santander DEMO AthensUCY Nikosia CYFRONET Cracow II SAS Bratislava PSNC Poznan ICM & IPJ Warsaw 15 sites International Testbed Organisation (WP4) Testbed setup & incremental evolution Integration with DataGrid Infrastructure support Verification & quality control

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK Summary Layered structure of all X# applications Reuse of SW from DataGrid and other # projects Globus as the bottom layer of the middleware Heterogeneous computer and storage systems Distributed development and testing of SW 12 partners in applications 14 partners in middleware 15 partners in testbeds

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK 1980s: Internet 1990s: Web 2000s: Grid Where do we need to get to ? Applications to support an “e-society” (“Cyber-Infrastructure”) An international Grid infrastructure which hides the complexities from the users (“Invisible Computing”) A powerful and flexible network infrastructure Where do we need to invest ? Applications targeted at realistic problems in “e-science” Prototypes of Grid infrastructures Maintain and improve the GEANT network Expression of Interest for EU FP6 program: “Enabling Grids and e-Science in Europe (EGEE)” Grid-enabled ApplicationsPrototype Grid Infrastructures Gèant: World Class Networking

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK GRIDLAB GRIA EGSO DATATAG CROSSGRID DATAGRID Applications GRIP EUROGRID DAMIEN Middleware & Tools Underlying Infrastructures Science Industry / business EGEE Project Space Enabling Grids and E-Science in Europe (EGEE)

ACAT 2002 MoscowMarcel Kunze - FZK First results of EGEE Brainstorming C Jones, D O Williams, et al