Trust Matters Leadership for Successful Schools Megan Tschannen-Moran College of William & Mary
The Overzealous Reformer Passionate about the task Impatient to make change Forgot that teachers do the real work of schools
Damage to Civic Order Broken promises Lying Stealing ideas or credit Changing the rules “after the fact” Abusive exercise of authority coercive or threatening behavior, favoritism, improper dismissal, sexual harassment Shirking of job responsibilities Disclosure of private confidences
Breech in Identity Public criticism Wrong or unfair accusations Blaming others for personal mistakes Insults to oneself or to one’s collective
The Keep-the-Peace Principal Avoided conflict Failed to hold students and teachers accountable Avoid making hard decisions Teachers and staff felt vulnerable
Moment of Truth Great ideas to make things BETTER BETTER means different Different means change Change leads to resistance
High Expectation/ High Caring Balanced commitment to the task with commitment to the people Expected a great deal Provided resources and support Inspired teachers to go beyond their contractual obligations
Trust is… a willingness to be vulnerable based on the confidence that the other person is: Benevolent Honest Open Reliable Competent
Benevolence Caring Good will Supporting teachers Expressing appreciation Being fair Unconditional positive regard
Honesty Integrity Telling the truth Keeping promises Honoring agreements Authenticity Accepting responsibility
Openness Open communication Sharing important information Delegation Shared decision making Sharing power
Reliability Consistency Dependability Commitment Dedication Diligence
Competence Handling difficult situations Pressing for results Problem solving Conflict resolution Being flexible Modeling hard work
Benefits of Trust It confers a Competitive Advantage Makes for more adaptive, agile organizations Helps avoid the Threat-Rigidity Syndrome Resources are utilized to greatest advantage
Correlates of Trust Organizational Citizenship Behavior Collaboration School climate teacher professionalism collegial leadership academic press community engagement Collective efficacy Conflict management
Bottom Line Trust is related to student achievement In HLM analysis, an even more potent a predictor than SES
Betrayal is a voluntary violation of mutually understood expectations that has the potential to threaten the well-being of the trusting person
Betrayal Betrayal involves an action or behavior The act has the potential to cause harm, even if other factors mitigate the actual harm caused Even if never detected, the violation still constitutes a betrayal
The Anatomy of Betrayal
The Dynamics of Revenge
A way for organizations to quickly generate the energy, ideas, strategies, and momentum for transformational change. A positive way of being with people that looks for strengths rather than weaknesses. A source of inspiration, vision, and trust. What is Appreciative Inquiry?
Five Principles of AI Positive Attention in the Present (Poetic Principle) Positive Anticipation of the Future (Anticipatory Principle) Positive Questions & Reflections (Simultaneity Principle) Positive Conversations & Interactions (Constructionist Principle) Positive Actions & Outcomes Positive Energy & Emotion (Positive Principle)
DEFINE DREAM DISCOVERDESTINY DESIGN Clarify the Focus Appreciate the Best Imagine the PossibilitiesDetermine the Direction Create the Future Five Phases of AI
Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir humanity's blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical plan once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency. – Daniel Burnham, 19 th Century Architect Make No Small Plans