Saint Nicholas is the common name for Nicholas of Myra, a saint and Bishop of Myra. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker Saint Nicholas is the common name for Nicholas of Myra, a saint and Bishop of Myra. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker !
Several stories tell of Nicholas and the sea. Once, returning by sea, a mighty storm threatened to wreck the ship. Nicholas calmly prayed. The terrified sailors were amazed when the wind and waves suddenly calmed. And St. Nicholas became the patron of sailors and voyagers.
St. Nicholas chapels were built in many seaports.
A modern metal icon of St. Nicholas by the Bulgarian artist Georgi Chapkanov - “Chapa”, depicting the patron saint of fishermen holding a fish Nikulden, December 6th, is a great winter festival. Bulgarians celebrate St. Nicholas as the protector of sailors and fishermen. The autumn fishing season ends on Nikulden. The day's catch is to be offered to the Saint; fishermen eat the first caught fish right on the shore, before bringing the rest home. Nikulden, December 6th, is a great winter festival. Bulgarians celebrate St. Nicholas as the protector of sailors and fishermen. The autumn fishing season ends on Nikulden. The day's catch is to be offered to the Saint; fishermen eat the first caught fish right on the shore, before bringing the rest home.
Carp is the special food for the day, as legend tells how, when a ship was sinking because of a hole in the hull, St. Nicholas stuffed a live carp in the hole, saving the ship. The special fish dish, ribnik, is carp wrapped in dough or baked with rice. Ribnik is baked in the oven along with two special loaves of bread. Other meatless dishes are also served. The food is blessed at church or at home before being served. Carp is regarded as Nicholas' servant.
After wafting incense over the food, the host raises the bread high, and breaks it in two halves. One half is kept for the Saint.The cross-shaped crown bone from the fish head (the krahche) is also kept—it may be buried as a protection of the house from evil. After wafting incense over the food, the host raises the bread high, and breaks it in two halves. One half is kept for the Saint.The cross-shaped crown bone from the fish head (the krahche) is also kept—it may be buried as a protection of the house from evil. The food is kept out on the table all day to be shared with neighbours and other guests. It is a great festival day which ends with songs and fun. The food is kept out on the table all day to be shared with neighbours and other guests. It is a great festival day which ends with songs and fun. Bulgarian bread for Nikulden
The bones of the carp, according to tradition, aren’t thrown away – they’re burnt, buried in the ground or dropped in the river - thus, it is believed, the harvest and the family well-being will be multiplied. The Saint Nicholas’ Day table includes, besides the ribnik and the ritual breads, some vegetarian dishes: cooked corn, boiled wheat, meatless stuffed cabbage or vine leaves, peppers, haricot.
NIKULDEN is the name day for everyone named Nikola, Nikolay, Kolyo, Nikolina, Neno, Nenka, Nikolina or Nina !