1 CSA Treasurer’s Report to the CSA Senate Sarah Duane Spring Term 2009
2 Spring Term Spending Highlights Money from Algol ($21,500) Piano Burning Equipment Updates ETB KRLX Supported many new clubs ASL Club Wiffle Ball Club Happy Bodies
3 Spending Details: Special Allocations Began with $19,242 to allocate for term. As of May 31 st, we have $9,253 But how? We spent A LOT of money (about $30,000 from special als) Algol money
4 Spending Details: Third Center and Alt-Bev Alt-Bev began with $500, $-18 remaining. –Most Alt-Bev requests were kept under $30 –Only exception was for Rotblatt –Very active Third Center began with $1,666, and has $1,155 remaining. –Much less active then last term –Ideas to increase use?
5 Spending Details: Capital Reserves Equipment upgrades have all come out of Cap Reserves Current Level-$27,000 Bylaws say that it needs to be at $65,000 and we have the funds to do that for next year Cap reserves was used for 2 KRLX requests and 1 ETB request
6 Looking to Next Year Splitting Habitat between two terms to ease cost “Extra Money” We had “extra money” left over in spring allocations but most of that money is going to KRLX update