The ne(x)t generation students: needs and expectations Bremen Forum, April 17 th 2008 Ineke Lam and Magda Ritzen Utrecht University IVLOS – Institute of Education Centre for ICT in Education
2/18 Programme Introduction –New generation students expected –Videoclips –The ‘new’ student: project funded by the University board Research –Outcomes of the student interviews in six countries –Outcomes of the teacher interviews in six countries –Implications: new ways of education, fitting the ne(x)t generation
3/18 History: Dutch project Generation of students that comes to the university is changing according to the literature They are in an ICT-default mode and learn in a different way. Characteristics: –Multi-tasking –Interactive –Non-linearity –Gaming –Visually –Accessibility These so-called ‘new students’ need new forms of education. Therefore: project has been designed and funded by the central board of Utrecht University
4/18 Research Two central questions How realistic and widespread are the changes described in the literature? Does Utrecht University need to take these changes into account regarding its future teaching and learning processes? If so, in what way?
5/18 Activities performed in the project Several activities have been performed in the project: 1.Trend study 2.Pilot -research 3.Selection and description of tools that support new forms of education that “suits” the ‘new student’ 4.Symposium and workshops for management and teaching staff 5.Overview of GPs within and outside the UU 6.Creation of video clips showing how nowadays youth use new media, like hyves, MSN, SMS, Google
6/18 Results Support in general the results found in the literature study + youth is learning by doing + social and interactive - visually Important nuance: youth uses ICT as taken for granted but the way they use it varies strongly. Youth uses different tools (mobile phone, MSN) than the tools the university uses in the teaching and learning process.
7/18 General conclusion Net-gen as described in the literature : overdone, exaggerated BUT Students that will soon enter our universities behave different regarding ICT, information and knowledge than previous generations. Net-gen is a diverse group therefore personalisation is important.
8/18 eLene TLC- Workpackage B3: students Research in a European context: Repeat more or less the Dutch research in various EU-countries Research question: What do 1 st year students in higher education need and expect from ICT in their learning process?
9/18 Research Six countries: –France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden Group interviews with students –12-15 students per country = +/- 80 students Interviews with individual teachers –5 teachers per country = 30 teachers
10/18 Questions Students –ICT use at home –Previous ICT use in educational setting –ICT use at university –Important characteristics of ICT –Statements Teachers –ICT use at home –ICT use at university –Statements
11/18 Outcomes of the student interviews in six countries Students Overall –ICT use at home Internet (info, amusement, applications) Mobile, mail and MSN most important –Previous ICT use in educational setting Lack of computers Used for presentations, internet-info Improvement ing with teacher, uploading homework –ICT use at university Wifi on campus, Fast communication with teacher by VLE, Videocourses Not to be used: all can be used but in proper way / mobiles, games, chat
12/18 Student interviews: important characteristics (most important = 1) CharacteristicsFRGEITNLSPSW Speed Quality info Design Ease of use Interactive Up-to-date
13/18 Student interviews: important characteristics (most important = 1) CharacteristicsFRGEITNLSPSW Speed Quality info Design Ease of use Interactive Up-to-date
14/18 Student interviews: statements (totally agree= 5) N=80 StatementsFRGEITNLSPSW Fast + impatient3,43,33,23,02,53,3 Learning by doing0,72,82,72,81,72,8 Result oriented2,73,44,44,13,63,3 Social + interactive4,43,54,64,34,04,1 Simultaneous activities4,03,73,14,13,74,4 Visually3,22,22,02,93,22,8 Connected + mobile4,13,82,54,32,43,6
15/18 Outcomes of the teacher interviews in six countries (1) Teachers Overall –ICT use at home.Themselves: , internet.Students: mobile (except for FR: + web) –ICT use at university.General: , internet, VLE/LMS (SW more advanced).Additional: wiki, blogs, e-portfolio’s –Not be used at university.None: each tool has its own reason (educational perspective). No general answer.
16/18 Teacher interviews (N=30): statements (totally agree= 5) StatementsFRGEITNLSPSW Fast + impatient3,42,93,43,53,62,7 Learning by doing3,433,53,42,83,4 Result oriented4,23,54,3443,4 Social + interactive3,43,73,94,33,7 Simultaneous activities3,33,53,84,23,63,8 Visually3,4 3,233,9 Connected + mobile3,53,443,7 3,5
17/18 Results What do 1 st year students in higher education need and expect from ICT in their learning process? –Quality of information is an important characteristic –Use of ICT for social and interactive purposes –Wifi on campus –Fast communication with teacher by –VLE –Web lectures Some students indicate they don’t want games, chat and mobiles in their classes (private), but most say: ‘All can be used but in a proper way’
18/18 Implications What are the implications for new ways of education, fitting the ne(x)t generation.. –ICT should be up to date –ICT should support collaborative work (social and interactive) –ICT is a means to offer more service (web lectures) –They don’t expect their university to be a front runner –Quality of information needs more attention (4/6 countries)