NASA DSN Radio Astronomy Signal Processing Ambitions for DSN Radio Astronomy Tom Kuiper JPL - Caltech
NASA DSN Radio Astronomy DSN Station Locations
NASA DSN Radio Astronomy Goldstone – Madrid - Canberra
NASA DSN Radio Astronomy Standard Receivers 1.6 – 1.7 GHz (70-m antennas) 2.2 – 2.3 GHz 8.2 – 8.6 GHz 31.5 – 32.5 GHz (not 70-m antennas) Radio Astronomy Receivers 18.0 – 26.5 GHz (70- m antennas) 39 – 50 GHz (Madrid 34-m) 31 – 34 GHz (Goldstone 34-m)
NASA DSN Radio Astronomy GHz Receiver Concept
NASA DSN Radio Astronomy Data recorders (Standard DSN equipment) MkV VLBI (500 MHz BW, post real-time processing) VLBI Science Receivers ( 4x16 MHz BW, near real- time software PFB, FFT, AC) Autocorrelators (Spaceborne) Canberra (400 MHz, 4096 ch) Madrid (500 MHz, 1024 ch) Goldstone (500 MHz, 1024 ch)
NASA DSN Radio Astronomy Current Research Extragalactic water masers (wide bandwidth, high resolution, [two polarizations]) H 2 0, NH 3 (three lines), CCS [,C 3 H 2 ] in star forming regions CCS 11 GHz Zeeman effect in pre-protostellar clouds VLBI SETI
NASA DSN Radio Astronomy Future Capability Search for extragalactic water masers: two polarization beamswitching (four IFs) with 8192 ch over 400 MHz Search for RRATs and isolated bursts (400 MHz BW real-time de-dispersion and capture) Giant nanosecond pulses between 18 and 26 GHz, full Stokes (de-dispersion and capture) Monitor Mars electrostatic microdischarges
NASA DSN Radio Astronomy Signal Processing Roadmap 08Q4 ROACH with 1 ADC prototype development Repair and deploy 128M ch SETI spectrometer 09Q1-2 Deploy and field test prototype at Goldstone 09Q3-4 Deploy one ROACH to each station 10Q1 ff.....