Identifying, Hiring & Retaining Your Top Performers Top Performers Maximizing Your Human Capital Assessments USA
Have you ever hired someone who did not reach your expectations?
Have you ever wondered why some employees never reach their full potential?
Companies Face Two Kinds of Challenges Assessments helps you reduce or eliminate your People-Related Challenges Assessments helps you reduce or eliminate your People-Related Challenges People Challenges (subjective) Systems Challenges (objective)
JOB MATCH Supervisor, Sales Pro, Manager,Accounting, Customer Service, Call Center TechnicianETC BUSINESS ATTITUDES toward 1. Integrity 2. Work Ethics 3. Reliability 4. Drug & Substance Abuse 5. Pass Background Check HIRE THEM !
There are 3 Places to Fix People Challenges Selection Process Selection Process(prevention) Coaching & Training Coaching & Training (changing behavior) Replacing the Employee Replacing the Employee (most expensive)
Retention & Development Selecting the Right People Performance Feedback Increased Productivit y What Every Organization Needs To Know Customer Delight Effective Sales Team Team Compatibilit y Your Company
Problems with Antiquated Hiring Practices 63% Hired in 4.3 Minutes 63% Hired in 4.3 Minutes Instinctive Hiring Instinctive Hiring Faulty Information Faulty Information Exaggerated resumesExaggerated resumes Trained intervieweesTrained interviewees Past employersPast employers ReferencesReferences Lack of any Pre- or Post- Selection) Strategic HR System Lack of any Pre- or Post- Selection) Strategic HR System Poor Job Matching Poor Job Matching 41% Lack Formal Training in job41% Lack Formal Training in job 67% Have A Personality Mismatch67% Have A Personality Mismatch
What are you doing now? What is your screening & selection process now? What is your screening & selection process now? What do you do to retain, coach & develop your good people? What do you do to retain, coach & develop your good people? What do you do to assure that you select the best candidate when you need to promote someone to a new position? What do you do to assure that you select the best candidate when you need to promote someone to a new position?
Assessments are the only way to really know and understand your people
US Department of Labor Employment and TrainingAdministration 1999 Publication
Heres what the US Department of Labor says Employment tests can be used to gather accurate information about job-relevant characteristics. This information helps assess the fit or match between people and jobs. Employment tests can be used to gather accurate information about job-relevant characteristics. This information helps assess the fit or match between people and jobs. Tests can be used to predict employee and applicant job performance. Tests can be used to predict employee and applicant job performance. Appropriate use of professionally developed assessment tools, on average, enables organizations to make more effective employment-related decisions... Appropriate use of professionally developed assessment tools, on average, enables organizations to make more effective employment-related decisions...
Heres what the experts say about assessments In these days of talent wars, the best way to keep your stars is to know them better than they know themselves --- and then use that information to customize the careers of their dreams. Job Sculpting: The Art of Retaining Your best People Harvard Business Review -- September. - Oct Chances are good that up to 66% of your companys hiring decisions will prove to be mistakes in the first twelve months. Peter Drucker, Management Consultant When an employee leaves you,'re going to lose 2 1/2 times the person's annual salary, whether they're entry-level or senior management, Dr. Pierre Mornell, as quoted in Nations Business
Use All of Your Resources Each Step You Add increases Probability of Success 75% 66% 54% 38% 26% 14% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80% Job Matching Interests Testing Abilities Testing Personality Testing Background Checks Interview Sources:Professor Mike Smith, University of Manchester, August 1994 John E. Hunter and Ronda F. Hunter, Validity and Utility of Alternative Predictors of Job Performance, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 96, No.1, 1984, p. 90; Robert P Tett, Douglas N. Jackson, and Mitchell Rothstein, Personality Measures as Predictors of Job Performance: A Meta-Analytical Review, Personnel Psychology,Winter 1991, p.703. Michigan State Universitys School of Business.
Profile Job Match Step One Attitudes Attitudes PPIMentoring Customer Service Team Analysis Sales Pro Call Center Sales 360° Peer Eval & SkillBuilder Modules
Test for Job Fit Confirm Job Match
Its not experience that counts - or college degrees or other accepted factors; success hinges on a fit with the job.
Skill Fit Education, Training, Training,Experience, Skills, Etc. Company Fit Attitudes, Values, Demeanor,Appearance,Integrity Past Via Resume`, Application, References Present Future Selection Process Step One Survey-- Integrity, Work Ethics, Reliability, Substance & Drug Abuse Background Checks
Look Beneath the Surface
Skill Fit Education, Training, Training,Experience, Skills, Etc. Company Fit Attitudes, Values, Demeanor,Appearance,Integrity Past Via Resume`, Application, References Present Via Interview Future Assessments for Job Match Job Match Personality, Abilities, Interest Selection Process Add the Step One Survey ® For Business Attitudes Due Diligence: Background Checks
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Profile Measures 20 Core Competencies Profile Measures 20 Core Competencies Can the person do the job? Can the person do the job? Do they want to do the job? How will the person do the job?
Shaded areas indicate the Job Match pattern. Job Match patterns show requirements for the jobs in your company Use these patterns for: Placement Placement Retention Retention Training Training Promoting Promoting Coaching & Managing Coaching & Managing Succession Planning Succession Planning The Job Match Pattern
The Profile Good Job Match Shaded Blue Boxes are your positions job pattern Red Number is where they scored compared to others in population
The Profile Poor Job Match Each section produces a job match percentage All sections together produce the Overall Job Match Score Highest score is 95%
Interview Questions Describe some high stress situations you have experienced in which important calculations were necessary? Describe some high stress situations you have experienced in which important calculations were necessary? When making budgetary decisions, can you rapidly see where resources can be reallocated or redistributed? When making budgetary decisions, can you rapidly see where resources can be reallocated or redistributed? If required to organize financial data, what would motivate you best to get the job done? If required to organize financial data, what would motivate you best to get the job done? If working long hours analyzing data or solving technical problems, what ways do you maintain your motivation to persevere? If working long hours analyzing data or solving technical problems, what ways do you maintain your motivation to persevere?
The Profile Assessment Stands Alone! Creates Customized Job Match Patterns Placement Report Creates Interview Questions Profile Multi-Person Job Match is perfect for promotions and succession planning Coaching and Individual Reports help with employee development & retention Profile is Accurate, Reliable, & Validated Profile is Extremely Cost Effective
Benefits You Gain From Using Profile Assessment You identify the characteristics (the DNA) of your top performers and use the Profile to clone them You identify the characteristics (the DNA) of your top performers and use the Profile to clone them You maximize employee and team productivity You maximize employee and team productivity You develop and retain more top performers You develop and retain more top performers