Welcome To Accounting 1C “Principles of Managerial Accounting” Mark Martinelli “Now where do I find my course green-sheet?”
The Five Joys of Accounting 1C 1. Learn the Basics of Managerial Accounting! 2. Lectures / Illustrations / Group Work per Class 3. 8 Chapters Covered from the Textbook 4. Chapter Concepts A Little Less Complex than 1B 5. Everyone’s life can benefit from taking this course!
Education Quality: The Five Factors 1.Instructor Attributes 2.Student Attributes 3.Course Materials 4.Classroom 5.External Environment
Instructor Attributes 1.Education / Experience 2.Communication Skills 3.Coordination of class
Student Attributes 1.Aptitude for learning subject matter Strong Math, reading, and writing skills Course Prerequisites – Accounting 1A 2.Attitude for learning subject matter Enjoy the class Willingness to learn Following the right course of learning!
Why are you really here? 1.The course is required in my major? 2.To get a passing grade / highest grade? 3.For my job / job enhancement / job change? 4.Learn something new? 5.For fun?
Course Content of Accounting 1C 1.Basics of Managerial Accounting 2.Cost Flow Analysis 3.Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 4.Budget Planning 5.Flexibility Budget Analysis 6.Responsibility Accounting 7.Standard Costing - Variance Analysis 8.Incremental and Capital Budgeting
Brief Overview of Accounting 1C by Chapter Content Chapter 19-Basics Basics of Managerial Accounting Managerial vs. Financial Accounting Management Functions Ethics Cost Concepts Manufacturing vs Merchandising Product vs Period Fixed vs Variable Opportunity vs Sunk Total vs Unit Unexpired vs expired Asset vs Expense Financial Statements – Manufacturing Costs Modern management accounting – trends & practices
Brief Overview of Accounting 1C by Chapter Content Chapter 20- Job Order Costing Cost Accounting Systems Job Order vs Process Costing Job Order Cost Flow Applied Overhead – Under or Over Applied
Brief Overview of Accounting 1C by Chapter Content Chapter 21- Process Costing Similarities & Differences Job Order vs Process Costing Process Cost Flow Assignment of manufacturing costs Equivalent Units of Production Production Cost Report Modern management accounting – trends & practices JIT ABC Traditional costing vs ABC
Brief Overview of Accounting 1C by Chapter Content Chapter 22- CVP Cost Behavior Analysis How costs behave to different levels of production Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis Breakeven Analysis Targeted Net Income Margin of Safety Variable Costing vs Absorption Costing
Brief Overview of Accounting 1C by Chapter Content Chapter 23-Budget Planning Budgeting Basics Operating Budgets Preparing a Master Budget – Sales, production, direct materials, direct labor, overhead, selling & administrative expenses, budgeted income statement Financial Budgets Cash budget and budgeted balance sheet Non-Manufacturing Firms’ Budgets Merchandisers, service firms, not-for-profit org.
Brief Overview of Accounting 1C by Chapter Content Chapter 24- Responsibility Accounting Budgetary Control Static vs Flexible budget Controllable vs Non-controllable Revenues & Costs Responsibility Centers Cost Centers Profit Centers Investment Centers
Brief Overview of Accounting 1C by Chapter Content Chapter 25- Standard Costs & Variances Standards and Standard Setting – Ideal vs Normal Analyzing Variances – what are they? Direct materials Direct Labor Overhead Standard Cost Accounting System
Brief Overview of Accounting 1C by Chapter Content Chapter 26- Incremental Analysis & Capital Budgeting Decision making process How incremental analysis works Types of incremental analysis Capital budgeting Evaluation process Methods used
Accounting 1C Grades Grade is determined by a standard percentage on 1000 possible points – 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% Exams covers 60% - Announced – Set for specific class period! Quizzes covers 30% - Unannounced too! Anytime! Homework covers 10% - All due at the end of the quarter! Remember the 3 No-No’s –No grading on a curve –No dropping your lowest score –No extra credit projects
Accounting 1C One Midterm Closed Book/Closed Notes/Closed Mouth First 4 Chapters-Chapters 19 thru Points / 20 Multiple Choice-10 Points Each/No Penalty For Guessing AND…… 4 problems at 50 points per problem/with partial credit for showing your work.
Accounting 1C Final Exam Closed Book/Closed Notes/Closed Mouth Chapters 19 thru Points / 20 Multiple Choice-10 Points Each/No Penalty For Guessing AND….. 4 problems at 50 points per problem/partial credit. OR….. Or some mixture of the two.
Accounting 1C Quizzes Open Book/Open Notes/Open Mouth within your assigned group only! Could be all Multiple Choice Each/No Penalty For Guessing. Or could be all problems/with partial credit for showing your work.
Accounting 1C Welcome! Let’s Get Started! You need your course materials in class –Calculators are permitted on quizzes and exams and during class daily –You need your text book each class period –You need writing materials for in class work Book store open first Saturday of every quarter Class Breaks usually are at 10:30AM and 12:20PM Any questions? Let’s get started!