Tablet Deployment System Whitney Domigan Matt Jones Brian Helm DME Section 02 Whitney Domigan Matt Jones Brian Helm DME Section 02
The Design Similar to chairs with stowing desks often found in auditoriums Durable materials used to ensure long life Similar to chairs with stowing desks often found in auditoriums Durable materials used to ensure long life Deployed View Facing left side of chair
Benefits Low cost A total of under $180 Adjustable Ball and socket joint at base of tablet for user flexibility Durable Uses RAM Universal Laptop Mount Tough TrayRAM Universal Laptop Mount Tough Tray Light weight Lifting weight of under 10 lbs Low cost A total of under $180 Adjustable Ball and socket joint at base of tablet for user flexibility Durable Uses RAM Universal Laptop Mount Tough TrayRAM Universal Laptop Mount Tough Tray Light weight Lifting weight of under 10 lbs Stowed View Facing left side of chair
Features Simple pin joint will fasten directly to the chair Purchased hinge Weld to make the L- bar Clips will fold in, secure the tablet RAM Universal Laptop Mount Tough Tray Stowed View