Searching for New Physics at the Energy Frontier Rob Roser (Fermilab/CDF) 1
2Outline Perspective Perspective Highlights Highlights Outlook Outlook
CDF 15 Countries 63 Institutions 602 authors D0 18 Countries 90 Institutions 533 Authors 3
The CDF Experiment
The D0 Experiment
6 Run 2 Luminosity Progress Record peak inst. luminosity 3.6 E cm –2 s –1 Record luminosity/week 73 pb -1 Record luminosity/month 250 pb -1 Total Luminosity delivered 6.7 fb -1 8 years 100 times more data than used for Top quark discovery ! L 3.5 E L > 2 fb -1 delivered in 2008 !
7 FY11 Luminosity Projections [delivered] We are here Integrated luminosity (fb -1 ) FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 ~12 fb -1 Results up to ~ 5 fb -1 by Summer 09 Running through FY10 will yield 7 fb –1 of data for analysis Running through FY11 would yield fb –1 of data for analysis
8 The Tevatron Physics Program Precision, new research and discoveries Mixing, CKM Constraints, and CP-Violation Heavy Flavor Spectroscopy New Heavy Baryon states Tests of QCD and HF production Top-quark and W-boson Masses Top quark properties Di-Boson production and SM Gauge Couplings New exclusive/diffractive processes We’re addressing questions of fundamental importance Unique window into the unknown Searches for Supersymmetry, Extra Dimensions, other Exotica Still at the Energy Frontier Probing the Terascale as luminosity increases The Standard Model Higgs is now within reach !
9 Physics Production Stable tools and an excellent understanding of the detectors and the data Productivity is higher than ever Near 100 new results between Summer08 and Winter09 [CDF+D0] Still in some areas we are only scratching the surface Much potential for further precision, reach and discovery We need to keep exploiting the data from all angles
10 Tevatron Physics Impact Nearly 100 journal publications last year alone About 60 Ph.D.’s / year over the last few years About 3500 physicists have participated on the CDF and D0 experiments CDFD0
11 Highlights & Outlook Highlights & Outlook
12 Discoveries: rare SM processes ZZ ==> mu,mu,mu,mu Diboson production: more luminosity allows access to smaller cross sections
13 Recent discovery: single top Single Top Physics Program Test s vs t [new physics] Vtb [precision] Lifetime [new physics] Single Top Physics Program Test s vs t [new physics] Vtb [precision] Lifetime [new physics]
14 Observation of new heavy baryons ddb uub dsb
15 With more data : emergence of a new particle 2009 Y (4140) 2.7 fb -1 unknown composition These new discoveries yield a few events/fb -1 ==> new areas of 10 fb -1 CDF
16 Precision: CPV phase Sin Precision: CPV phase Sin(2 s ) Combination of CDF and D0 results is incompatible with the SM at the 2.2-sigma level Combination of CDF and D0 results is incompatible with the SM at the 2.2-sigma level
17 More luminosity buys more probability for discovery and increases the sensitivity range More luminosity buys more probability for discovery and increases the sensitivity range L Precision ==> Discovery possibilities 5-sigma probability vs s
18 Mtop = ± 0.6(stat) ± 1.1(syst) GeV/c 2 At ~10 fb -1 the top mass uncertainty is expected below 1 GeV At ~10 fb -1 the top mass uncertainty is expected below 1 GeV Legacy measurement: nearly impossible to beat at a hadron collider Precision: Mtop
pb pb -1 Next round 2fb -1 expect <30 MeV uncertainty ! Next round 2fb -1 expect <30 MeV uncertainty ! Tevatron experiments are now best in world, will remain so for a long, long, time Precision: Mw D0 Run 2 (e) (e)
20 Expected now with all constraints : M H = GeV M H < % CL Expected now with all constraints : M H = GeV M H < % CL Precision ==> Higgs constraints With 10 fb -1 If dMw=15 MeV and dMtop=1 GeV [for Mw= ] expect M H = GeV M H < % CL ! With 10 fb -1 If dMw=15 MeV and dMtop=1 GeV [for Mw= ] expect M H = GeV M H < % CL ! New !
21 Observation of Diboson Production in E T +jj Sensitive to WW/WZ/ZZ QCD background well-modeled Signal significance 5.3 Measure: 18.0 2.8(stat) 2.4(sys) 1.1(lumi) pb theory: 16.8 0.5 pb
22 The Higgs Search The SM Higgs particle [if it exists] is being produced NOW at the Tevatron ! - we have enough energy Just not that often & it’s buried in “backgrounds” It’s a story of luminosity, passion, persistence and luck We know how to look for it - an we are in fact closing in !
23 The Higgs Search The SM Higgs particle [if it exists] is being produced NOW at the Tevatron ! - we have enough energy Just not that often & it’s buried in “backgrounds” It’s a story of luminosity, passion, persistence and luck We know how to look for it - an we are in fact closing in !
24 Higgs boson at the Tevatron Gluon fusion is the dominant production mode: σ ~ pb W/Z associated production next most frequent mode: σ ~ pb PRODUCTION DECAY Low mass High mass
25 WH l bb ZH bb ZH llbb H WW l l ZH llbb ZH bb WH l bb H WW lvlv Total (double including D0) Higgs at the Tevatron
26 Many channels/experiment & Large Effort CDF + D0: Up to 70 distinct final states ! CDF + D0: Up to 70 distinct final states !
Decoding Limit Plots 101 Factor away in sensitivity from SM
28 Most recent combination CDF + D0 2.4xSM 160 GeV < M H < 170 GeV is excluded at 95% CL !
29 no words needed
30 Outlook for the Higgs Search Recent improvements include: better lepton acceptance smarter triggering More improvements in the pipeline Better flavor tagging Complementary triggers Tau identification Better jet, E T resolution
31 and some luck Higgs reach with FY11 running and continued analysis improvement [bottom orange band] Higgs reach with FY11 running and continued analysis improvement [bottom orange band] 2-sigma 3-sigma Red – 5fb analyzed/expt Blue – 10 fb analyzed/expt
Discovery Watch Several results show discrepancies with the SM Are these just statistical fluctuations or the beginning of a beautiful friendship 32 t’ Search Di- electrons
33 Summary and Closing Remarks Summary and Closing Remarks
Summary The Tevatron program continues to be remarkably successful A Legacy of discoveries and extraordinary results So far only 2 to 4 fb -1 of data analyzed This could increase by factors of 3 to 10 with data from running through 2011 Exciting potential for future Tevatron discoveries The Higgs is our domain for a while 34