A Model of Caring Ability-less Signal Via Smart Home WSN 學生 : 盧廷旭 指導老師 : 溫志煜
Outline Intelligent Sensors Smart Home WSN Model UPnP Technology and Control Point API UPnP 、 API 、 WAP 基本介紹
Intelligent Sensors Magnetic Switches 用於門上,檢測開關門或是也可以利用在廚房器具,像爐、冰箱 洗碗機等等 Thermistor 電熱調節器,用於讀取環境溫度,控制房間溫度,幫助調節。 Accelerometer 加速度器,放置於房間內的椅子、桌子、沙發等,偵測是否有受到 移動或撞擊。 Radio Frequency Identification RFID ,運用於悠遊卡,標籤,門禁卡。
Intelligent Sensors Infrared Motion Sensor 安裝在房間裡,用來追蹤房間內住戶的移動狀況。 Microphone Array 麥克風,可以從住家去監聽想監控的地方,經由 WSN 可以發現。 Smart Grab Bar 通常用於浴室、浴缸的進出,或是用於 toilet 的開關。 Pressure Sensitive Mat 壓力感測器,類似床墊,墊子,用來監控休息時的情況。 Electronic Nose 在不同的地方,偵測不同的氣味種類,並且取得。
Smart Home WSN Model Intelligent sensors collects a certain type of information from around its covering range, sends the clear information to wireless access point (WAP) and forwards to Smart Home’s PC. The extracted information is put onto internet and arrives at help center or host’s cell phone gives rise to alarm signal
WAP 無線接取器 (Access Point 或 Wireless Access Point, WAP) 是一個連接無線網路,亦 可以連接有線網路,即乙 太網網的裝置。它 能當作 中介點,使得有線與無線 上網的裝置互相連接傳輸資 料等。
Smart Home WSN Model
UPnP Technology The process of connecting to the network devices that supports UPnP technology takes place automatically, without the need for manual configuration. The device self-configures, recognizes the environment in which work and then announce its presence and willingness to work, and then detects other devices present in the network.
UPnP 介紹 通用即插即用 (UPnP) 是一種針對各種 PC 、智慧設備和無線裝置的端對端網路 連接結構。除了在家庭、辦公室及其它任何地方的聯網設備之間進行數據傳 輸和控制外,這種分佈式、開放網路結構還可透過 TCP/IP 和網際網路來實現 無縫的網路連接 。 UPnP 結構可用兩個角色來說明:控制設備 (CD) 和監控點 (CP) 。任何 設備都可以當成一個或兩個角色。 UPnP 的協定 ( 使家庭網路和公司網路中的各種裝置能夠無縫連接 ) 1. 發現 當一個裝置被加到網路中, UPnP 檢測協定允許該裝置向控制點廣播自己的服務。 當一個控制點加入到網 路中的時後,他也能夠搜尋到網路中存在的、感興趣的裝置相 關資訊。
UPnP 介紹 UPnP 的協定 2. 描述 當一個控制點檢測到一個裝置時,他對該裝置仍然知道得不多。為了使控制 點了解更多關於該裝置的資訊或者和裝置進行互動,控制點必須從裝置發出 檢測資訊中所包含的 URL 獲取更多的資訊。 3. 控制 當一個控制點獲取道裝置描述資訊後,它就可以向該裝置發送指令了。 4. 事件通知 一個 UPnP 描述包括一組命令列表和刻畫執行時狀態資訊的變量。服務在這些變數 改變的時候進行更新,控制點可以進行訂閱以獲取相關改變。 5. 存在 如果裝置帶有存在 URL ,那麼控制點可以透過它來獲取裝置存在資訊,即在瀏覽器 中載入 URL ,並允使用者來進行相關控制或檢視操作。
Control Point API UPnP device can be dedicated hardware device (such as a router) or application running on a PC. Discovered devices can be connected to any physical network medium, to which has access a computer that is running the application. UPnP framework provides to the application all the necessary mechanisms of finding and controlling UPnP devices. Using the Control Point API we will have to deal with three basic objects closely related to UPnP device architecture: (1) Device Finder (2) Device (3) Service
API 介紹 應用程式介面 (Application Programming Interface ,簡稱 API) 軟體系統不同組成部份銜接的約定。 近來軟體的規模日益龐大,常常會需要把複雜的系統劃分成小的組成部分,編程介面 設計十分重要。良好的介面設計可以降低系統各部份的相互依賴。 ROUTER( 路由器 ) 結合多個使用不同通訊協定與架構的網路區段之環境的裝置。
Interfaces related to Device Finder object The Device Finder object, which deals with the discovery of devices, or implements the tasks associated with monitoring processes of connecting and disconnecting devices in the network. (1) IUPnPDeviceFinder (2) IUPnPDeviceFinderCallback
Interfaces related to Device object The most important in this group is IUPnPDevice interface through which you can gain access to the Device object. it is provided by the UPnP framework as a result of searching devices available on the network. Through received pointer to the interface of device object, by using this interface’s functions, can to read a lot of information about the device (properties) such as a unique name, model designation, the name of the manufacturer or URL
Interfaces related to Service object The primary interface of Service object is IUPnPService. To obtain a collection of services - Service objects of given device, call the get_Services function of IUPnPDevice interface. This function returns the services collection object, to which we have access through an IUPnPServices interface. (1) IUPnPService (2) IUPnPServices (3) IUPnPServiceCallback.
UPnPCpLib framework The main idea of this framework is to create a model of UPnP device and to provide the tools to handle this model. UPnPCpLib library contains three main classes defining the three most important objects of UPnP architecture. (1) FindManager - refers to the Device Finder object. (2) Device - corresponds to UPnP device. (3) Service - corresponds to service object of UPnP device.
Conclusion This paper has provided an overview of the current Smart Home Wireless Sensor Network technology used in helping busy host to take good care of his ability-less single family member. In future we should take more effective and safe programming method to make the Smart Home Wireless Sensor Network control point work well.