Chemistry 125: Lecture 53 February 19, 2010 Tuning Polymer Properties. Alkynes, Dienes & Conjugation This For copyright notice see final page of this file
Vulcanization in the Home
Hair before Permanent Wave “Reduce” disulfide cross links with excess basic RSH S S S S S S S S RS - - H SR - H RS-SR - H H H H H H (pK a ~11) + NH 4 HS CO 2 HS CO 2 OH or H SR - H Curl
Permanent Wave H H H H H H BDE kcal/mole HO-OH 52 RS-SR ~ 64 RS-H 87 RO-H 105 S S S S S S S S H H Curl “Oxidize” thiols back to disulfide with HOOH
Synthetic Rubber
Thermoplastic Ionomers Malleable cross links
Julius Nieuwland Cl Neoprene
Natural Rubber vs. Synthetics
Radical Polymerization Poly(styrene) Regiochemistry R R head-to-tail random ~ 13 kcal/mole more stable than
Radical Polymerization Poly(propylene) Tacticity CH 3 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Isotactic (Radical) (Ziegler-Natta) Syndiotactic Atactic
Radical Copolymerization CO 2 CH 3 Block CO 2 CH 3 Methyl Methacrylate Styrene CO 2 CH [1]2 k relative CO 2 CH 3 Alternating ? fastest
Anti-Hammond Copolymerization ~ 20 kcal/mole CO 2 CH 3 not as stable but twice as fast!
Radical Copolymerization CO 2 CH 3 C=O gives unusually low LUMO. Good when SOMO is not low. “Ionic resonance structure stabilizes transition state.” COCH 3 - O + - O N.B. This special stability applies in TS only,not in the radical product!
Acetylenes Review Sec pp Sections pp
Stepwise Addition of HBr to Alkyne 1-Hexyne + HBr 2-Bromo-1-hexene FeBr 3 15°C with “inhibitor” to trap radicals isolated in 40% yield 100 to 1000x slower than comparable ionic addition to alkene, because vinyl cation is not so great. CH 3 -CH 2 -Cl CH 3 -CH Cl - gas phase 193 kcal/mole CH 2 =CH-Cl CH 2 =CH + + Cl kcal/mole
Stepwise Addition of HBr to Alkyne 1-Hexyne + HBr 2-Bromo-1-hexene FeBr 3 15°C with “inhibitor” to trap radicals isolated in 40% yield But as shown in text, HBr can add again to the bromoalkene (obviously more slowly) to give a second Markovnikov addition If the bromo substituent slows addition to an alkene, why is there Markovnikov orientation?
Stepwise Addition of HBr to Alkyne 1-Hexyne + HBr 2-Bromo-1-hexene FeBr 3 15°C with “inhibitor” to trap radicals isolated in 40% yield The schizophrenic nature of a Br substituent. Br is both electron withdrawing ( ) and electron-donating ( ).
Hydration of Alkyne Markovnikov or anti-Markovnikov Initial enol undergoes acid-catalyzed isomerization. Because C=O is so stable (compare average bond energies) 10.8 to 10.11
Regioselection Stereoselection
First e - First H +
Second e - Second H +
Alkyne Acidity and Isomerization Sec pp
Approximate “pK a ” Values CH 3 -CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 H ~ 52 CH 3 -CH 2 CH=CHH ~ 44 CH 3 -CH 2 C CH ~ 25 ~ 34 H 2 NH = 16 HOH CH 3 -CH=C=CHH CH 3 -C C-CH 2 H ~ 38 sp 3 C _ sp 2 C _ (no overlap) sp C _ (no overlap) C _ HOMO - overlap (better E-match N-H ) (bad E-match O-H ) (best E-match C-H ) * Values are approximate because HA 1 + A 2 - = A HA 2 equilibria for bases stronger that HO - cannot be measured in water. One must “bootstrap” by comparing acid-base pairs in other solvents pK a * : : (allylic) (Acidity of 1-Alkynes Secs p. 129; 12.4 p )
H + (aq) + Equilibrium & Rate kcal/mol CH 3 -CH=C=CH 2 CH 3 -C C-CH 3 CH 3 -CH 2 C CH CH 3 -CH 2 C C CH 3 -CH=C=CH CH 3 -C C-CH 2 pK a 38 K a G 4/3 38 = 51 pK a 25 K a G 4/3 25 = %0.03% k /sec t 1/2 = 0.69/k sec = yrs 10 4 time since Big Bang [0]
H + (aq) + + HO - favors dissn. by 21 kcal (4/3 16) Equilibrium & Rate kcal/mol H 2 N - favors dissn. by 45 kcal (4/3 34) CH 3 -CH=C=CH 2 CH 3 -C C-CH 3 CH 3 -CH 2 C CH CH 3 -CH 2 C C CH 3 -CH=C=CH CH 3 -C C-CH 2 t 1/2 K % 2 150°C
Trick to obtain terminal acetylene: Equilibrate with RNH _ base (in RNH 2 solvent at room temp) to form terminal anion. “Quench” by adding water which donates H + to terminal anion and to RNH _, leaving OH _, which is too weak to allow equilibration. Or add H +, so even [OH _ ] is very low.
C C Conjugation & Aromaticity (Ch ) Conjugated Pi Systems O C Yoke Jungere Jug ó m (to Join)
The Localized Orbital Picture (Pairwise MOs and Isolated AOs) Is Our Intermediate between H-like AOs and Computer MOs When must we think more deeply?
When does conjugation make a difference? Experimental Evidence
Conjugation worth ~5 kcal Conjugation worth <7 kcal
Conjugation worth ~ 4 kcal
Allylic Stabilization: Cation R-Cl R + + Cl - (gas phase kcal/mol) Cl Anion pK a OH OHO Radical Bond Dissociation Energy (kcal/mol) H H Conjugation worth ~ 13 kcal ! as good as secondary 4/3 6 = 8 kcal
Why is conjugation worth more in allylic systems? Because we can draw reasonable resonance structures? good bad
Conjugation & Aromaticity (Ch ) Simple H ü ckel MOs
: : Sum is same as localized : : Secondary mixing is minor (because of poor E-match) Two Ways to Think about Butadiene System 4 p-orbitals How different in overall stability?Very Little! (~3 kcal/mole max) : : Localized bond picture 4 Delocalized ::
Two Ways to Think about Butadiene System 4 p-orbitals : : 4 Delocalized :: Why ignore this mixing? Despite better E-match, it does not lower energy. (What would be gained on one end would be lost on the other) Orthogonal
But there are substantial differences in HOMO & LUMO energies (Reactivity), and in HOMO-LUMO gap (color) But there are substantial differences in HOMO & LUMO energies (Reactivity), and in HOMO-LUMO gap (Color). Two Ways to Think about Butadiene System : : How different in overall stability? Very Little! (~3 kcal/mole max) Localized bond picture 4 Delocalized :: far UV (167 nm) nearer UV (210 nm)
Is There a Limit to 1 Energy for Long Chains? 8 1/ 8 1/8 77/84 1/ 4 1/4 33/4 Chain length 2 Normalized AO size 1/ 2 Overlap per bond (AO product) 1/2 Number of bonds 1 Total overlap stabilization 1/2 N 1/ N 1/N N-1(N-1)/N Yes, the limit is 1, i.e. twice the stabilization of the H 2 C=CH 2 bond. Similarly, the LUMO destabilization limit is twice that of the H 2 C=CH 2 MO.. N.B. Here we are using our own “overlap stabilization” units, which are twice as large as conventional “ ” units.
End of Lecture 53 Feb. 19, 2010 Copyright © J. M. McBride Some rights reserved. Except for cited third-party materials, and those used by visiting speakers, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0).Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0) Use of this content constitutes your acceptance of the noted license and the terms and conditions of use. Materials from Wikimedia Commons are denoted by the symbol. Third party materials may be subject to additional intellectual property notices, information, or restrictions. The following attribution may be used when reusing material that is not identified as third-party content: J. M. McBride, Chem 125. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0