The Development of Play during Infancy Why do infants play? Why do infants play? “Through play, children grow. They learn how to use their muscles; they develop the ability to coordinate what they see with what they do; and they develop a sense of mastery over their bodies. “Through play, children grow. They learn how to use their muscles; they develop the ability to coordinate what they see with what they do; and they develop a sense of mastery over their bodies. Through play, children learn. They find out what the world is like and what they are like. They acquire new skills and learn the appropriate situations for using them. They ‘try out’ different aspects of life. Through play, children learn. They find out what the world is like and what they are like. They acquire new skills and learn the appropriate situations for using them. They ‘try out’ different aspects of life. Through play, children mature. They cope with complex and conflicting emotions by reenacting real life in play. They make ‘their lives more encompassable and endurable (Biber, 1971)’.” Through play, children mature. They cope with complex and conflicting emotions by reenacting real life in play. They make ‘their lives more encompassable and endurable (Biber, 1971)’.”
Development of Play during Infancy Play is a pleasurable activity, actively engaged in on a voluntary basis, motivated intrinsically and containing some elements that are nonliteral (using 1 thing to represent another). Play is a pleasurable activity, actively engaged in on a voluntary basis, motivated intrinsically and containing some elements that are nonliteral (using 1 thing to represent another).
Influence of Play on Development Muscle coordination Muscle coordination Social/interaction skills Social/interaction skills Language Language Logical reasoning Logical reasoning Problem-solving skills Problem-solving skills Increases exploration Increases exploration Releases tension Releases tension
Milestones in Play 2-3 months: objects in environment begin to play role in play 2-3 months: objects in environment begin to play role in play 9 months: emergence of functional-relational play 9 months: emergence of functional-relational play 18 months: emergence of symbolic play 18 months: emergence of symbolic play 2 ½ years: sociodramatic play 2 ½ years: sociodramatic play Miniature dramas Miniature dramas Roles/characters Roles/characters Imitation of adults Imitation of adults Reenactment of family relationships Reenactment of family relationships Expression of needs Expression of needs Outlet for forbidden impulses Outlet for forbidden impulses Reversal of roles Reversal of roles
Development of Play: Cognitive Benefits Piaget: Action is basis of knowledge Piaget: Action is basis of knowledge Advances cognitive development Advances cognitive development Practice competencies and acquire skills Practice competencies and acquire skills Representational play has late onset and slow development Representational play has late onset and slow development Representational play shifts from play involving only self to play involving self-object relations to play involving objects exclusively Representational play shifts from play involving only self to play involving self-object relations to play involving objects exclusively Vygotsky: uses objects in environment as tools to accomplish some activity Vygotsky: uses objects in environment as tools to accomplish some activity
Cognitive Play Functional Play Functional Play Constructive Play Constructive Play Dramatic Play Dramatic Play Games with Rules Games with Rules
Development of Play: Social Levels Development of Play: Social Levels Mildred Parten (1932) made extensive observations of young preschool children Mildred Parten (1932) made extensive observations of young preschool children Six levels of play: range from nonsocial to highly integrated social play Six levels of play: range from nonsocial to highly integrated social play
The Social Levels of Play - Parten Six levels identified: Six levels identified: 1. Unoccupied behavior 1. Unoccupied behavior 2. Onlooking 2. Onlooking 3. Solitary play 3. Solitary play 4. Parallel play 4. Parallel play 5. Associative play 5. Associative play 6. Coopertive play 6. Coopertive play Play evolves and changes as children acquire social skills Play evolves and changes as children acquire social skills Older children able to coordinate play with peers or in a larger group Older children able to coordinate play with peers or in a larger group
Development of Play: Emotional Development Psychoanalytic: play is expression of wish fulfillment Psychoanalytic: play is expression of wish fulfillment Used to deal with traumas Used to deal with traumas
Contemporary Perspective Emphasizes boy cognitive and social aspects of play Emphasizes boy cognitive and social aspects of play Sensorimotor play Sensorimotor play Pretense/symbolic play Pretense/symbolic play Social play Social play Constructive play Constructive play
Influences on Play Gender Gender SES SES Ability level Ability level Parental/adult involvement - scaffolding Parental/adult involvement - scaffolding