Pornography and the Internet Amanda Gillespie Donna Jones EDCI 564
Recent Laws Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 (or CIPA) requires that public schools and libraries receiving federal funding must use filters to block obscenities and materials considered to be harmful to minors. The Children’s Online Protection Act of 1998 (or COPA) applies to commercial Web sites and online services that knowingly collect information from children under 13, and requires sites to provide notice to parents of their information practices. These sites would also have to obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children.
Legal Issues In 2002 the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) led the challenge of COPA and the Justices sent it back for reconsideration by lower court. In 2002 CIPA was challenged and was found to be invalid under the First Amendment by a three-judge panel in Pennsylvania. The Justice Department notified the Supreme Court that it would appeal this ruling.
Porn-napping They watch for domain names that may interest children and then wait for the desirable name registration to expire. They purchase it and turn the page into a portal for pornography. They then offer the domain for sale, hoping that its original owner will purchase it to release the once reputable site from its pornographic grip.
Other Ethical Issues Violence Online fights Inappropriate Images Weapons and Guns Prejudice and Hate Crimes Explicit Language Sexual Predators Drugs and Alcohol
Teens Children who are not seeking pornography find it all over the Internet. In the first study of peer health advice on teen bulletin boards, members of UCLA’s Children’s digital Media Center found that while previous research indicates that teens are reluctant to seek face to face advice about sex from parents and other adults, adolescents are readily accessing this info. From their peers in online chat rooms and bulletin boards.
Filters Most tools filter based on one or more of the following kinds of information: Web Site Address (URL) Human Review of Web Pages Key Words “Context Sensitive” Key Words
What can Teachers Do? Education Teach safety tips Discussions Monitoring s Supervisory aids AUP Work with parents
Reporting Trouble Call 911 Local Police National Child Advocacy Groups Federal Law Enforcement FBI US Customs US Postal Inspection Services Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Drug Enforcement Administration Online Obscenity Form