Examinations - Last minute performance preparation Laurie Lumsden Student Counselling Service Trinity College Dublin Last modified August 03
This workshop will cover: Avoiding common mistakes Examination taking strategies Rehearsing performance at your personal best Making the best of what you know Developing strategies and rehearsing techniques for reducing performance anxiety
Avoid common mistakes Check on the date, time and place of the exam Put your name and other details on the exam paper Answer the correct number of questions Allocate equal time for equal marks Never leave the exam early
Examination taking strategies Be clear what your exam is about Turn up in plenty of time Equal time for equal marks Only answer the questions asked
Rehearse performing at your personal best Practice deconstructing questions using a prepared format Practice writing answers using prepared answer formats Mark your own answers as critically as possible Practice – un-timed and timed
Making the best of what you know Maximum gains for time are in the early stages of your answer Use rehearsed structures to deconstruct the question Use words in the question – define key words Restate what the question is about Say how you are going to answer the question
Which question first? Select the questions you want to answer Do the question you know best first Build up your momentum dot points rather than going back Do the question you know least well last Leave time to check your work and add dot points
Develop strategies and rehearse techniques for performance anxiety Visit the exam venue and get comfortable in it Know your potential examination anxiety Simulate coping with exam anxiety at home Practice “time out” in place Maintain your physical and mental health
Performance on the day Avoid common mistakes Stay focused Recall the rehearsed processes for your answers Go for maximum gains Manage performance anxiety