Asato Masad Gamaya, Tamso ma Jyotir gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya Lighting of Deepak Lighting the Deepak with Deep Jyoti Mantra. Everyone sit in Sukhasan with folded hands and chant this Mantra Mantra Deep Jyoti Para Brahm, Deep Jyoti Janardana, Deepo Hartu me Papam, Deep Jyoti Namostute! Shubham Karotu Kalyanam, Aarogyam Sukh Sampadam Shatru Vridhi Vinasham cha, Deep Jyoti Namostute! "I prostrate to the dawn/dusk lamp whose light is Supreme Knowledge which removes the darkness of ignorance and by which all can be achieved. " Asato Masad Gamaya, Tamso ma Jyotir gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
Previous Class Chakras Asanas: Vajrasana, Shashak Asana-3 types Gyan Mudra Bhramari Pranayam
Today’s Class Putting Chandan ‘Tilak’ Lighting of Deepak with 'jyoti mantra‘ Sri Ganesha-Sarasawati-Guru Pooja (9:30-Start) –3min Ganesh Slokam with meaning –3min OM Jumping-5min Asan-Mudra-Pranayan: Maatha Tek Pranaam or Shashak Aasan ( for 2 min) Apanvayu Mudra (2 min) Padma Asana (or Ardha Padmasana) with Apanvayu mudra (10 min) Bhramari Pranayam (2 min) Kirtan: Narayana ..??? Narayana…Narayana…Narayana..(8 min) Dyan (Meditation): (5 min) C:\Documents and Settings\varavala\My Documents\My Videos\RealPlayer Downloads\Hariomgroup.org8.flv
Sri Ganesha-Sarasawati-Guru Pooja
Ganesh Slokam Meaning Vakratunda Mahakaya Surya Koti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kurumeydeva Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada O Lord Ganesha of Large Body, Curved Trunk, With the Brilliance of a Million Suns, Make All My Work Free Of Obstacles, Always.
As per Kundalini yoga there are 7 Chakras (Centers) in the body Q) What are Chakras (Centers)? Chakra are commonly described, as energy centers in the spine located at major branchings of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving upward to the top of the skull.
2. Yogasan Om-Jumping (Run at one place & jump saying Om.. Om.. with it)
Vajrasan Vajra (Devanagari: वज्र) is a Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond. By regularly practising this asan your body becomes strong like a diamond. That’s why this asan is called as Vajrasan. When doing this Asan concentrate on your muladhara chakra. Muladhara is located at the base of the spine.
Benefits of Vajrasan Improves the digestive system and concentration. Improves your eye sight. Increases the number of WBC(?) cells in your body, which increases the resistance of your body to diseases. So, is everyone excited about this. Shall we do then…??
Vajrasan Procedure Bend your legs at the knees and sit on your heels. Let your both legs touch a little. Keep your hip and backbone straight. Keep your hands on your knees, and your shoulders firm. Keep your hands facing down and your eyes looking straight. Special benefit: If you sit on this asan after eating, the food gets digested faster. Health benefits: If a person with mental tension does this asan regularly, cheerfulness increases in his life and his body becomes strong.
Shask Asana Benefits This asana is very beneficial for your muscles. It improves the functioning of the “Adrenal Gland” located above your kidney. It activates your agna chakra, there by increases your determination. It controls your anger and your stubborness.
Shask Asana Procedure-1 Sit in Vajrasana. While taking a breath, lift your hands up and get hands into namaskar position. While exhaling slowly bend forward and try to touch the ground with your head. Keep the folded hands on the ground and breathe regularly. While taking a breath slowly, lift your hands and head up and get back to vajrasana.
Shask Asana Procedure-2 Sit in Vajrasana Put your hands in the back and hold your right hand fingers in the left hand. Keep your right thumb inside and close the fist of your right hand. Same as in procedure-1
Shask Asana Procedure-3 Sit in Vajrasana Put your hands on your hip with your thumbs outside. Same as in procedure-1 Special Benefits: Chant “Om Gum Ganapathai Namah..” in your mind. Routine: You can do this asana daily for 5-10 minutes, before going to bed and as soon as wake up in the morning --- Note this down as your homework for the next week
Pranayam: Bhramari
Mudra: Apanavayu Mudra
Kirtan Narayan..Narayana..Narayana.. C:\Documents and Settings\varavala\My Documents\Balsanskar Template\Kirtan
Meditation/ Traatak Focus on the tip of your nose and say “OM…”
Home work-2 Routine: Count 20 breathes as soon as you get up in the morning right on your bed everyday. When you breath-in, say "OM" in mind and when you breath-out count 1. Again, when you breath-in say "RAM" and when you breath-out count 2. Repeat this 20 times by taking the name of God, each time you breath-in. This will have remarkable positive affect on you and your day will fly by. Mathatek (Shask Asana-Procedure1) to your parents in the morning everyday after you get freshen up (brush, bath, etc) in the morning. Vajrasan after eating in the night everyday. Assignment: Try to by-heart the Ganesh-slokam we learned today in the class. Try to translate in english the Narayana kirtan we sang today. We learnt the meaning of Narayana: (Nar-Nari Mei Ayan Atma Bankar Beta hey:-- The one who is in the form of Atma in all men and women.). Translation doesn't have to be perfect try to write in english few of the lyrics, in your own words. I had attached the lyrics.