Blogging & DH Manifestos 30 August 2011
Blog Characteristics Discrete post as fundamental organizing unit Date- and time-stamped entries Posts appear in reverse chronological order (newest first) Reader comments to posts (discussion) Hyperlinking to external sites (and within) Archiving of posts for historical record Linking to posts (internal and external) with trackbacks and permalinks References to likeminded and similarly interested blogs Organization of posts into keywords (tagging) for browsable categories
Blog Evaluation Sites Technorati – Digg – Del.ici.ous – The Truth Laid Bear – BlogLines –
Academic Uses of Blogging Opportunity to Network Test New Ideas or Work In Progress Get Help from Peers Stay Informed on New Research and Current Ideas Generate Interest or Discussion Around a Project
DH Manifestos Manifesto Genre Declaration: a series of blunt position statements to advance a revolutionary agenda. Not concerned with nuanced argument. In group/out group. Take it or leave it mentality.