“The Death of ‘Till Death Us Do Part”…” Pinsof 2002 What is the main cause of ending a marriage? 1974 Death Divorce Marriage becomes an object of therapeutic intervention and scientific inquiry
Marriage is defined as pair-bonding, potentially procreative, in the context of “Western civilization”. Some form of divorce or formal marital dissolution has always existed, but… Middle of 19 th century 21 st Century 10% 50% 3 Factors that led to the shift from death-to-divorce: 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________
Leveling of the divorce rate after 1980 in U.S. and Western Europe, is it puzzling? Inclination to divorce is a complex phenomenon… Half of all divorces occur in the 7 th years and the majority occurred within 20 years. Ethnic Differences in Divorce Rates: Black ___Hispanic ___Whites ___
“Marriage in a Culture of Divorce” Hackstaff 1999 What is divorce culture? A set of beliefs that anticipate and reinforce divorce, while redefining marriage (marriage is seen as just an option, contingent, and divorce is seen as a gateway) ALTERNATIVE MEANINGS “Once in a Lifetime...Hopefully…” The 1970s represent the decline of “marriage culture” What is marriage culture? A set of beliefs, practices and symbols, constituted by the beliefs that marriage is given/forever/divorce is the last option. Pittman’s response: Normalizing divorce even more is WRONG.
“Marriage in a Culture of Divorce” Hackstaff 1999 Recurrent Idea: “new marital meanings” Alternative and new meanings in marriages derive from GENDER EQUALITY (‘rights equality’ and ‘relational equality’). Women blamed for divorce and the primary initiators. What to blame? Feminism, the women’s participation in the labor force, women’s increasing individualism or other causes?
“Marriage in a Culture of Divorce” Hackstaff 1999 Gender equality in marriage challenges: male dominance Transition to gender equality destabilizes institutional arrangements (marital commitments). Wives assert their visions of marital relationships.
“Marriage in a Culture of Divorce” Hackstaff 1999 The 50’s Stones and the 70’s Turners Who led them to marriage? Distribution of Power (Equality) in the household Roles and Self “Wife reconstruction” versus relationship “therapeutic ethos” and divorce.
“For Better or For Worse” Hetherington and Kelly Six ways to Leave a Marriage Postdivorce pathways, the first years and six years after. 1. The Enhancers 2. The Good Enoughs 3. The Seekers 4. The Libertines 5. The Competent Loners 6. The Defeated