Chapter 4 Naming 1 Naming Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Naming 2 Why Naming? Names are needed to o Identify entities o Share resources o Refer to locations, etc. It is necessary to resolve names o What does human-friendly name correspond to Need a naming system In distributed systems, naming system itself is often distributed
Chapter 4 Naming 3 Outline of Chapter General naming issues o Human-friendly names Naming and mobility o Such as mobile telephony Unreferenced objects o How to remove unused names
Chapter 4 Naming 4 Names, Identifiers, Addresses A name is a string of bits that refers to an entity An entity is “practically anything” o Entities can be operated on To operate on entity, must know an access point Access point is just another entity! Name of an access pt is an address
Chapter 4 Naming 5 Names, Identifiers, Addresses Example o Telephone is an access point o Telephone number is address Distributed systems example o Server is an access point o IP address/port number is address Mobility creates special problems…
Chapter 4 Naming 6 Names, Identifiers, Addresses Address is a special kind of name o For an access point Access point associated with an entity Why not use address as entity name? o Entities may change access points o For example, IP address vs MAC address o Entity may offer more than one access point o For example, Web service with multiple servers An entity name that is independent of its address is location independent
Chapter 4 Naming 7 Names, Identifiers, Addresses An identifier is a special type of name o Identifier refers to at most one entity o Entity referred to by at most one identifier o Identifier is never reused That is, identifiers are unambiguous o “Mark Stamp” is not an identifier o Telephone number is not an identifier Examples of identifiers?
Chapter 4 Naming 8 Names, Identifiers, Addresses Human-friendly names? o File names o o Other? Human unfriendly names? o Memory locations o Other?
Chapter 4 Naming 9 Name Spaces Organization of names in distributed system is a name space o Represented as a labeled directed graph o Usually restricted to directed acyclic graphs Leaf node is a named entity o Has no outgoing edge o Leaf node stores address and/or state Directory node has a table o Can have many outgoing edges Root node has no incoming edges o Usually only one
Chapter 4 Naming 10 Name Spaces Naming graph with single root node n0 Complete path is a path name o Begins with n0, then it’s an absolute path o Otherwise, a relative path
Chapter 4 Naming 11 Name Spaces Names organized in a name space o Implies that a name is defined relative to a directory node Global name denotes same entity no matter where the name is used Local name depends on where it’s used o In other words, a local name is a relative name whose directory is known
Chapter 4 Naming 12 Name Spaces Example: UNIX file system o A single root node o File directory is a directory node o File is a leaf node
Chapter 4 Naming 13 Name Resolution Given path name, must be able to access the specified node o This process is name resolution How does this work? o Short answer: traverse the directed graph o Long answer: see the book But, must know where to start o For example, how to resolve ? o First, must know it’s a phone number o I.e., must know root node of appropriate graph
Chapter 4 Naming 14 Linking and Mounting An alias is another name for something Can have multiple paths to same node, or… A symbolic link in naming graph (as above)
Chapter 4 Naming 15 Linking and Mounting Combine different name spaces o Need directory node in other name space Node storing node identifier of foreign name space is mount point o Directory node in foreign name space is mounting point (usually root node) Important in distributed systems!
Chapter 4 Naming 16 Linking and Mounting In distributed system… To mount foreign name space, need o Name of access protocol o Name of server o Name of mounting point Name resolution required
Chapter 4 Naming 17 Linking and Mounting Consider Network File System (NFS) o Distributed file system o Discussed in detail in chapter 10 Access a file by NFS URL o For example, nfs:// o File (directory) /home/steen o On server o Accessed using NFS protocol o Access protocol, server, mounting point?
Chapter 4 Naming 18 Linking and Mounting Consider (machine A) /remote/vu/mbox On A, nfs:// Then to machine B…
Chapter 4 Naming 19 Linking and Mounting DEC Global Name Service (GNS) Insert a new root node Existing names change Can avoid changing names o See book
Chapter 4 Naming 20 Name Space Implementation Naming service o To add, remove, lookup names o Implemented on name server(s) o In distributed system, naming service itself may be distributed Name space is heart of naming service o Name space distribution (organization) o Name resolution
Chapter 4 Naming 21 Name Space Distribution Usually organized hierarchically Assume one root Three logical layers o Global layer root and nearby (very stable) o Administrational layer directory nodes in one organization (relatively stable) o Managerial layer typically, hosts in one network (not stable) For example, DNS
Chapter 4 Naming 22 Name Space Distribution DNS name space in three layers Subtle performance issues o Different requirements at each layer
Chapter 4 Naming 23 Name Space Distribution Comparison of name servers SometimesYes Is client-side caching applied? NoneNone or fewManyNumber of replicas Immediate LazyUpdate propagation ImmediateMillisecondsSecondsResponsiveness to lookups Vast numbersManyFewTotal number of nodes DepartmentOrganizationWorldwideGeographical scale of network ManagerialAdministrationalGlobalItem
Chapter 4 Naming 24 Name Resolution Two approaches… Iterative name resolution o Server sends result back to client o More work for client Recursive name resolution o Server contacts next name server o More work for servers
Chapter 4 Naming 25 Iterative Name Resolution Caching limited to client
Chapter 4 Naming 26 Recursive Name Resolution Caching is more effective (next slide) More efficient communication (slide after next)
Chapter 4 Naming 27 Name Resolution Recursive name resolution of Name servers cache intermediate results Server for node Should resolve Looks up Passes to child Receives and caches Returns to requester cs # -- # vu # # # # ni # # # # # # root # # # # # # # #
Chapter 4 Naming 28 Name Resolution Recursive versus iterative name resolution o Comparing communication costs San Jose Netherlands
Chapter 4 Naming 29 Examples DNS traditional naming service o Hierarchical, rooted tree o Like a white pages service for Internet o You should be familiar with this o Read it! X.500 directory service o Find an entity that fits a description o Like a yellow pages service
Chapter 4 Naming 30 DNS Name Space Hierarchical, rooted tree Each node has 1 incoming edge (except the root) o Incoming edge used as name of node A subtree is a domain Path name is a domain name o Can be relative or absolute Node contains resource records
Chapter 4 Naming 31 DNS Name Space Most important types of resource records Type of record Associated entity Description SOAZoneHolds information on the represented zone AHostContains an IP address of the host this node represents MXDomainRefers to a mail server to handle mail addressed to this node SRVDomainRefers to a server handling a specific service NSZoneRefers to a name server that implements the represented zone CNAMENodeSymbolic link with the primary name of the represented node PTRHostContains the canonical name of a host HINFOHostHolds information on the host this node represents TXTAny kindContains any entity-specific information considered useful
Chapter 4 Naming 32 DNS Implementation DNS includes o Global layer o Administrational layer Managerial layer not formally in DNS Read the details
Chapter 4 Naming 33 DNS Implementation Excerpt from DNS database for the zone
Chapter 4 Naming 34 DNS Implementation Description for domain o This domain contains domain NameRecord typeRecord value A
Chapter 4 Naming 35 X.500 Name Space Each record consists of o (attribute, value) pairs o Attribute can have multiple values Directory Information Base (DIB) o All entries in X.500 directory service Each attribute is a Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) o Complete record is globally unique o So it can be looked up
Chapter 4 Naming 36 X.500 Name Space Example of X.500 directory entry o Unique name: Country, Organization, OrganizationalUnit o /C=NL/O=Vrije Universiteit/OU=Math. & Comp. Sc. o Analogous to DNS: AttributeAbbr.Value CountryCNL LocalityLAmsterdam OrganizationLVrije Universiteit OrganizationalUnitOUMath. & Comp. Sc. CommonNameCNMain server Mail_Servers , , FTP_Server WWW_Server
Chapter 4 Naming 37 X.500 Name Space Globally unique names form hierarchy o Directory Information Tree (DIT) o The naming graph in X.500 Node can act as directory o More than one child o See next slide
Chapter 4 Naming 38 X.500 Name Space Part of directory information tree “N” acts as directory… …and as a node
Chapter 4 Naming 39 X.500 Name Space Two entries with Host_Name as RDN AttributeValueAttributeValue CountryNLCountryNL LocalityAmsterdamLocalityAmsterdam OrganizationVrije UniversiteitOrganizationVrije Universiteit OrganizationalUnitMath. & Comp. Sc.OrganizationalUnitMath. & Comp. Sc. CommonNameMain serverCommonNameMain server Host_NamestarHost_Namezephyr Host_Address Host_Address
Chapter 4 Naming 40 X.500 Implementation Like DNS o But more lookup operations to search DIB For example, can search for all “main servers” at Vrije Universiteit o See example in book But, need to access many leaf nodes o Leaf nodes might be distributed This could be expensive!
Chapter 4 Naming 41 X.500 in the Real World X.500 o Uses Directory Access Protocol (DAP) o Runs over OSI o Therefore, it is “heavyweight” What if you like X.500… …but need to use it in the real world? Need something lightweight…
Chapter 4 Naming 42 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Application level protocol Implemented on top of TCP Lookup, update, passed as strings o No separate encoding required LDAP is defacto standard We used LDAP at my startup company
Chapter 4 Naming 43 Mobility What is different in mobile case? o Names change frequently Why is this an issue? Consider DNS o Global layer and admin. layers assume names change infrequently o So replication and caching are used For mobile, something else is needed… o But what?
Chapter 4 Naming 44 Mobility Consider DNS o o Local cache probably has o One request to find desired address Now spse ftp server moves o If it stays in, only local changes o What if it moves to ?
Chapter 4 Naming 45 Mobility Spse moves to What to do? Forget about o Users won’t be happy Record new address under o If it moves locally, update is not local Turn into a symbolic link o In effect, 2 lookups o But it gets no worse if it moves again Either way, name can never change
Chapter 4 Naming 46 Mobility Better idea o Give up on DNS-like approach Add an intermediate step o Assign non-human-friendly identifier Then o Name service converts human-friendly name into identifier o Location service converts identifier to current address
Chapter 4 Naming 47 Naming versus Locating a) DNS-like mapping between name and address b) Two-level mapping using identifiers
Chapter 4 Naming 48 Mobility But this begs the question o How to build location service? Simple solutions o Broadcasting and multicasting o Forwarding pointers Complicated (?) solutions o Home-based approaches o Hierarchical approaches
Chapter 4 Naming 49 Broadcasting and Multicasting Spse mobility restricted to LAN o Broadcasting is efficient on LAN o Use ARP to locate entity o Does not scale well Can do similar thing at network layer o Use multicasting o Mobile computer gets dynamic IP address and joins multicast group o Multicast group acts as location service
Chapter 4 Naming 50 Forwarding Pointers Another simple approach Forwarding pointers When moving from A to B, leave a pointer at A to new location B o Naming service still points to A Simple, yes, but… o Chain might get long o Every link in chain must be maintained
Chapter 4 Naming 51 Forwarding Pointers Forwarding pointers as (proxy, skeleton)
Chapter 4 Naming 52 Forwarding Pointers Redirecting a forwarding pointer o To shortcut a chain o Subsequent communication is faster o But some skeletons are left unreferenced
Chapter 4 Naming 53 Home-Based Approaches Home location --- always knows current location of mobile guy o Can be used with forwarding pointers o Or with Mobile IP Mobile IP on next slide…
Chapter 4 Naming 54 Home-Based Approaches Mobile IP Suppose host A is mobile o Host A has a fixed IP address o Host A has a home agent o Home agent of A is at A’s fixed IP address o Host A requests temp address at new location o Care-of address is current location of A o Home agent knows A’s care-of address
Chapter 4 Naming 55 Home-Based Approaches Mobile IP
Chapter 4 Naming 56 Hierarchical Approaches Home-based approach is 2 tiered Can be generalized Network divided into domains o Like layers in DNS Top level domain spans network Lowest level is leaf domain Directory node for each domain
Chapter 4 Naming 57 Hierarchical Approaches Hierarchy of location service domains Each domain has associated directory node
Chapter 4 Naming 58 Hierarchical Approaches Let Dir(D) be directory for domain D Location record in dir(D) for each entity currently in D Suppose entity E is in D Then chain of pointers to E thru higher level directories of D E can have more than one address o Due to replication
Chapter 4 Naming 59 Hierarchical Approaches Entity with two addresses in different leaf domains
Chapter 4 Naming 60 Hierarchical Approaches Looking up location of E o Efficient way to find current location of E
Chapter 4 Naming 61 Hierarchical Approaches a) Find first node that knows about E b) Create chain of forwarding pointers to new node To create a replica of E in domain D…
Chapter 4 Naming 62 Pointer Caches Caching: good if data seldom changed If mobile, addresses change But if move within a domain… o Then pointers at higher nodes does not change o It might make sense to cache such info How to find the right domain? o Travel regularly between LA and SJ (next slide) When to invalidate cache entry? o Travel to NY or moved there (next next slide)
Chapter 4 Naming 63 Pointer Caches Caching reference to directory node of lowest-level domain
Chapter 4 Naming 64 Pointer Caches Cache entry that needs to be invalidated because… o Entry returns a nonlocal address o A local address is available
Chapter 4 Naming 65 Scalability The biggest issue with hierarchical approach is scalability Root has to know about everybody! o Storage may be an issue o Lookup is likely bottleneck Possible solutions (read the book) o Partitioning and/or uniform placement of subnodes
Chapter 4 Naming 66 Scalability Issues Uniform placement of subnodes
Chapter 4 Naming 67 Unreferenced Entities How to remove references to entities that are no longer referenced? o A distributed garbage collection problem Consider remote objects o Recall state is remote o Client-side proxy o Server-side skeleton Assume that an object can be accessed only if a remote reference exists If no reference exists, then garbage
Chapter 4 Naming 68 Unreferenced Objects Other garbage collection issues
Chapter 4 Naming 69 Partial Solutions Reference counting o Keep running count of no. of references o When count reaches 0, remove object Reference listing o Skeleton maintains explicit list of proxies that know about it Tracing o Above methods do not deal with loops, etc. o Tracing: follow all paths from root
Chapter 4 Naming 70 Reference Counting Keep track each time reference is added or deleted Easy in non-distributed systems But unreliable communication causes problems
Chapter 4 Naming 71 Reference Counting If communication is unreliable o How to maintain accurate reference count?
Chapter 4 Naming 72 Reference Counting a) Incrementing the counter too late (example of a race condition) b) A solution to this problem ???
Chapter 4 Naming 73 Advanced Reference Counting Weighted reference counting o Object has a fixed total weight o And variable partial weight o Only decrement operation allowed Weight is split up (partial weights) when new references are created Delete: decrement by partial weight o Skeleton’s total weight is decremented
Chapter 4 Naming 74 Advanced Reference Counting a) Initial assignment of weights b) Weight assignment for a new reference
Chapter 4 Naming 75 Advanced Reference Counting c) Weight assignment when copying reference
Chapter 4 Naming 76 Advanced Reference Counting Problems? Requires reliable communication o Ditto for reference counting Does not deal with loops o Ditto ditto Only a limited number of references o We can finesse this…
Chapter 4 Naming 77 Advanced Reference Counting When partial weight has reached 1 o Use indirection to add more weight
Chapter 4 Naming 78 Advanced Reference Counting Don’t like indirection? Fine! Generation reference counting (no weights) o Skeleton maintains array G o G[i] is number of copies at generation i o When deleting, send msg to skeleton Proxy’s generation no., k, and no. of copies made, n o Skeleton decrements its G[k] by 1 o Skeleton increments its G[k+1] by n o When all G[i] are 0, the object is deleted
Chapter 4 Naming 79 Advanced Reference Counting Generation reference counting o Still requires reliable communication o Can add references w/o contacting skeleton
Chapter 4 Naming 80 Tracing Reference counting does not help with loops and such One approach is mark and sweep o Follow all paths from root o Mark all places reached o Sweep through everything o Remove everything not marked Can be done in dist. Systems o But requires “stop the world” synchronization
Chapter 4 Naming 81 Tracing More practical for dist. systems is o Tracing in groups Group is a collection of processes o For scalability Algorithm o Mark skeletons o Propagate marks from skeletons to proxies o Propagate marks from proxies to skeletons o Repeat previous 2 steps on larger group o Garbage reclamation
Chapter 4 Naming 82 Tracing in Groups Initial marking of skeletons
Chapter 4 Naming 83 Tracing in Groups After local propagation in each process
Chapter 4 Naming 84 Tracing in Groups Final marking
Chapter 4 Naming 85 Summary Naming is a serious issue! Types of names o Address o Identifier o Human-friendly Naming/naming graph Human-friendly is not mobile-friendly
Chapter 4 Naming 86 Summary Mobility o Broadcasting/multicasting o Forwarding pointers o Home location o Hierarchical search tree Unreferenced objects o Reference counting o Tracing