Mechanically Alloyed Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Metals
Atom probe image of MA957
MA956 Chou & Bhadeshia, 1994
MA956 Chou & Bhadeshia, 1994
o o A B A B 1-x Gibbs free energy per mole Concentration x of B free energy of mechanical mixture G* x Mechanical Mixture
o o A B A B x Gibbs free energy per mole Composition G{x} free energy of mechanical mixture ∆G M free energy of solution G*
For a random mixture, number of configurations given by:
Classical theory for entropy of mixing
Solution-like behaviour when particles about 1000 atoms in size Free energy of mixing due to configurational entropy alone
Surface per unit volume SvSv Particle size Solution formation impossible!
coherent incoherent
Single barrier to solution formation when components attract Badmos and Bhadeshia, 1997
Double barrier to solution formation when components immiscible Badmos and Bhadeshia, 1997
o o A B A B Composition free energy of solution
o o A B A B Gibbs free energy per mole Concentration x of B Paradox at concentration extremities vanishes in the discrete model of concentration