On the Capacity of Information Networks Nick Harvey Collaborators: Micah Adler (UMass), Kamal Jain (Microsoft), Bobby Kleinberg (MIT/Berkeley/Cornell),


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Presentation transcript:

On the Capacity of Information Networks Nick Harvey Collaborators: Micah Adler (UMass), Kamal Jain (Microsoft), Bobby Kleinberg (MIT/Berkeley/Cornell), and April Lehman (MIT/Google)

What is the capacity of a network?

s1s1 s2s2 Send items from s 1  t 1 and s 2  t 2 Problem: no disjoint paths bottleneck edge What is the capacity of a network? t2t2 t1t1

b1⊕b2b1⊕b2 An Information Network b1b1 b2b2 s1s1 s2s2 t2t2 t1t1 If sending information, we can do better Send xor b 1 ⊕ b 2 on bottleneck edge

Moral of Butterfly Network Flow Capacity ≠ Information Flow Capacity

Network Coding New approach for information flow problems  Blend of combinatorial optimization, information theory  Multicast, k-Pairs k-Pairs problems: Network coding when each commodity has one sink  Analogous to multicommodity flow Definitions for cyclic networks are subtle

Multicommodity Flow Efficient algorithms for computing maximum concurrent (fractional) flow. Connected with metric embeddings via LP duality. Approximate max-flow min-cut theorems. Network Coding Computing the max concurrent coding rate may be:  Undecidable  Decidable in poly-time No adequate duality theory. No cut-based parameter is known to give sublinear approximation in digraphs. Directed and undirected problems behave quite differently

Coding rate can be much larger than flow rate! Butterfly:  Coding rate = 1  Flow rate = ½ Thm [HKL’04,LL’04]:  graphs G(V,E) where Coding Rate = Ω( flow rate ∙ |V| ) Directed k-pairs s1s1 s2s2 t2t2 t1t1 Thm:  graphs G(V,E) where Coding Rate = Ω( flow rate ∙ |E| )  And this is optimal  Recurse on butterfly construction

Coding rate can be much larger than flow rate! …and much larger than the sparsity (same example) Directed k-pairs Flow Rate  Sparsity < Coding Rate in some graphs

No known undirected instance where coding rate ≠ max flow rate! (The undirected k-pairs conjecture) Undirected k-pairs Flow Rate  Coding Rate  Sparsity Pigeonhole principle argument Gap can be Ω(log n) when G is an expander

Undirected k-Pairs Conjecture Flow Rate Sparsity Coding Rate <= ?? =< Undirected k-pairs conjecture Unknown until this work

Okamura-Seymour Graph s1s1 t1t1 s2s2 t2t2 s3s3 t3t3 s4s4 t4t4 Every cut has enough capacity to carry all commodities separated by the cut Cut

Okamura-Seymour Max-Flow s1s1 t1t1 s2s2 t2t2 s3s3 t3t3 s4s4 t4t4 Flow Rate = 3/4 s i is 2 hops from t i. At flow rate r, each commodity consumes  2r units of bandwidth in a graph with only 6 units of capacity.

The trouble with information flow… If an edge codes multiple commodities, how to charge for “consuming bandwidth”? We work around this obstacle and bound coding rate by 3/4. s1s1 t1t1 s2s2 t2t2 s3s3 t3t3 s4s4 t4t4 At flow rate r, each commodity consumes at least 2r units of bandwidth in a graph with only 6 units of capacity.

Definition: A e if for every coding solution, the messages sent on edges of A uniquely determine the message sent on e. Given A and e, how hard is it to determine whether A e? Is it even decidable? Theorem: There is an algorithm to compute whether A e in time O(k²m).  Based on a combinatorial characterization of informational dominance Informational Dominance i  i  i

What can we prove? s1 t3s1 t3 s2 t1s2 t1 s3 t2s3 t2 s4s4 t4t4 Combine Informational Dominance with Shannon inequalities for Entropy Flow rate = coding rate for “Special Bipartite Graphs”:  Bipartite  Every source is 2 hops away from its sink  Dual of flow LP is optimized by assigning length 1 to all edges Next: show that proving conjecture for all graphs is quite hard

k-pairs conjecture & I/O complexity I/O complexity model [AV’88] :  A large, slow external memory consisting of pages each containing p records  A fast internal memory that holds 2 pages  Basic I/O operation: read in two pages from external memory, write out one page

I/O Complexity of Matrix Transposition Matrix transposition: Given a p×p matrix of records in row-major order, write it out in column-major order. Obvious algorithm requires O(p²) ops. A better algorithm uses O(p log p) ops.

I/O Complexity of Matrix Transposition Matrix transposition: Given a p×p matrix of records in row-major order, write it out in column-major order. Obvious algorithm requires O(p²) ops. A better algorithm uses O(p log p) ops. s1s1 s2s2

I/O Complexity of Matrix Transposition Matrix transposition: Given a p x p matrix of records in row-major order, write it out in column-major order. Obvious algorithm requires O(p²) ops. A better algorithm uses O(p log p) ops. s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4

I/O Complexity of Matrix Transposition Matrix transposition: Given a p x p matrix of records in row-major order, write it out in column-major order. Obvious algorithm requires O(p²) ops. A better algorithm uses O(p log p) ops. s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t3t3

I/O Complexity of Matrix Transposition Matrix transposition: Given a p x p matrix of records in row-major order, write it out in column-major order. Obvious algorithm requires O(p²) ops. A better algorithm uses O(p log p) ops. s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 t4t4

Matching Lower Bound Theorem: (Floyd ’72, AV’88) A matrix transposition algorithm using only read and write operations (no arithmetic on values) must perform Ω(p log p) I/O operations. s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 t4t4

Ω(p log p) Lower Bound Proof: Let N ij denote the number of ops in which record (i,j) is written. For all j, Σ i N ij ≥ p log p. Hence Σ ij N ij ≥ p² log p. Each I/O writes only p records. QED. s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 t4t4

The k-pairs conjecture and I/O complexity Definition: An oblivious algorithm is one whose pattern of read/write operations does not depend on the input. Theorem: If there is an oblivious algorithm for matrix transposition using o(p log p) I/O ops, the undirected k-pairs conjecture is false. s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 t4t4

The k-pairs conjecture and I/O complexity Proof:  Represent the algorithm with a diagram as before.  Assume WLOG that each node has only two outgoing edges. s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 t4t4

The k-pairs conjecture and I/O complexity Proof:  Represent the algorithm with a diagram as before.  Assume WLOG that each node has only two outgoing edges.  Make all edges undirected, capacity p.  Create a commodity for each matrix entry. s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 t4t4

The k-pairs conjecture and I/O complexity Proof:  The algorithm itself is a network code of rate 1.  Assuming the k-pairs conjecture, there is a flow of rate 1.  Σ i,j d(s i,t j ) ≤ p |E(G)|.  Arguing as before, LHS is Ω(p² log p).  Hence |E(G)|=Ω(p log p). s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 t4t4

Other consequences for complexity The undirected k-pairs conjecture implies:  A Ω(p log p) lower bound for matrix transposition in the cell-probe model. [Same proof.]  A Ω(p² log p) lower bound for the running time of oblivious matrix transposition algorithms on a multi-tape Turing machine. [I/O model can emulate multi-tape Turing machines with a factor p speedup.]

Distance arguments Rate-1 flow solution implies Σ i d(s i,t i ) ≤ |E|  LP duality; directed or undirected Does rate-1 coding solution imply Σ i d(s i,t i ) ≤ |E|?  Undirected graphs: this is essentially the k-pairs conjecture!  Directed graphs: this is completely false

k commodities (s i,t i ) Distance d(s i,t i ) = O(log k)  i O(k) edges! Recursive construction s(1) s(2)s(3)s(4)s(5)s(6)s(7)s(8) t(1) t(2)t(3)t(4)t(5)t(6)t(7)t(8)

Recursive Construction s1s1 s2s2 t1t1 t2t2 G (1): Equivalent to: s1s1 s2s2 t1t1 t2t2 Edge capacity = 1 2 commodities 7 edges Distance = 3

Recursive Construction s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 G (2): Start with two copies of G (1)

Recursive Construction s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 G (2): Replace middle edges with copy of G (1)

Recursive Construction s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 G (1) t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 G (2): 4 commodities, 19 edges, Distance = 5

Recursive Construction G (n-1) G (n): # commodities = 2 n, |V| = O(2 n ), |E| = O(2 n ) Distance = 2n+1 s1s1 s2s2 t1t1 t2t2 s3s3 s4s4 t3t3 t4t4 s 2 n -1 s2ns2n t 2 n -1 t2nt2n

Summary Directed instances:  Coding rate >> flow rate Undirected instances:  Conjecture: Flow rate = Coding rate  Proof for special bip graphs  Tool: Informational Dominance  Proving conjecture solves Matrix Transposition Problem

Open Problems Computing the network coding rate in DAGs:  Recursively decidable?  How do you compute a o(n)-factor approximation? Undirected k-pairs conjecture:  Stronger complexity consequences?  Prove a Ω(log n) gap between sparsest cut and coding rate for some graphs  …or, find a fast matrix transposition algorithm.

Backup Slides

Optimality The graph G (n) proves: Thm [HKL’05]:  graphs G(V,E) where NCR = Ω( flow rate ∙ |E| ) G (n) is optimal: Thm [HKL’05]:  graph G(V,E), NCR/flow rate = O(min {|V|,|E|,k})

s1s1 s2s2 t2t2 t1t1 A does not dominate B Informational Dominance Def: A dominates B if information in A determines information in B in every network coding solution.

Informational Dominance Def: A dominates B if information in A determines information in B in every network coding solution. s1s1 s2s2 t2t2 t1t1 A dominates B Sufficient Condition: If no path from any source  B then A dominates B

Informational Dominance Example s1s1 s2s2 t1t1 t2t2 “Obviously” flow rate = NCR = 1  How to prove it? Markovicity?  No two edges disconnect t 1 and t 2 from both sources!

Informational Dominance Example s1s1 s2s2 t1t1 t2t2 Cut A Sufficient Condition: If no path from any source  B then A dominates B

Informational Dominance Example s1s1 s2s2 t1t1 t2t2 Our characterization implies that A dominates {t 1,t 2 }  H(A)  H(t 1,t 2 ) Cut A

Rate ¾ for Okamura-Seymour s1 t3s1 t3 s2 t1s2 t1 s3 t2s3 t2 s4s4 t4t4 s1s1 i s1s1 t3t3 s3s3

s1 t3s1 t3 s2 t1s2 t1 s3 t2s3 t2 s4s4 t4t4 i i i ++ ≥ ++

s1 t3s1 t3 s2 t1s2 t1 s3 t2s3 t2 s4s4 t4t4 i i i ++ ≥ ++

s1 t3s1 t3 s2 t1s2 t1 s3 t2s3 t2 s4s4 t4t4 i i i ++ ≥ ++ i

s1 t3s1 t3 s2 t1s2 t1 s3 t2s3 t2 s4s4 t4t4 ++ ≥ + ii ≥

s1 t3s1 t3 s2 t1s2 t1 s3 t2s3 t2 s4s4 t4t4 ++ ≥ + ≥ 3 H(source) + 6 H(undirected edge) ≥ 11 H(source)6 H(undirected edge) ≥ 8 H(source) ¾ ≥ RATE