SUGAR Tool for system-level MEMS simulation Goal: Be SPICE to the MEMS world Analyzes static, dynamic, and linearized steady-state behavior Challenges: –Be fast enough for design and optimization (not just verification) –Handle coupled physical effects (electrical, mechanical, thermal, optical, …)
SUGAR: Current work Broad set of component models Validation against optical measurements Deployment of Millennium-based web service (used in EE245 in Fall 2001) Analyze dependence on parameters (sensitivity analysis, bifurcation analysis) Design synthesis and optimization Integration of state-of-the-art solvers
Torsional micromirror. MEMS Design by: M. Last, K.S.J. Pister Complex system with ~1000 comb fingers and torsional springs Finite Element Analysis might use O(10 6 ) continuum elements Sugar: system reduces to 2,621 elements and 11,706 unknowns Device described using parameterized substructures Cosine- shaped beams Perforate d beams Mirror Torsional hinge Perforated comb drive array Actuation direction Moment arm Recessed inner plate
M&MEMS: SUGAR on the Web Hosted on Berkeley Millennium cluster Requires only a web browser (with Java for graphics) Used in Berkeley’s Fall 2001 introductory MEMS course