1 Financial Management Tool FMTREPORTS
2 FMT has a powerful, flexible and user friendly reporting capability that presents data in an attractive format. ReportsOverview FMT
3 To access Reports, go to Treeview or the Plan Menu and select Reports and click Open. Reports A ccessing FMT
4 You will see a list of department folders. You will only have access to your own department(s). There is also an SRC Report Library, where you can find four folders of reports that you can use as is or modify. ReportsFolders FMT
5 Report Library Folders FMT Budget Office Financial P&L Grants and Contracts Personnel The library reports are Read Only which means that you can open, modify (if desired), run and print them. You cannot save them back to the library. However, you can save them to your department folder for future use.
6 Open a Report by double-clicking on the report name and clicking on Continue. ReportsOpening FMT
7 Each Report contains four or five color coded tabs: Report Instructions Settings Orientation Delivery (optional) Reports FMT
8 The Report tab has white input cells for entering criteria such as department name, org, award, or employee ID number. After you have entered your parameters, hit the F9 key to bring data into the report. Reports Report Tab FMT
9 The Instructions tab describes each report, its format, provides instructions for running the report, and indicates who to call for assistance. Reports Instructions Tab FMT
10 Reports Settings Tab The Settings tab provides filters for the data, so that you see just what you want to see. All of the Reports in the library have preset settings. FMT
11 For more specific reports, supplemental filters may be added to further limit the data. For example, you may want to eliminate zero data rows. Sequential Settings may be applied to produce multiple reports, which vary by one dimension, such as project —with just one key stroke! Reports Settings Tab Settings may be altered to include additional filters to limit the data in the report (to one award, for example). A Filter Wizard is available to help you. FMT Speed Drills may be set up for any dimension so that you can drill on any value in a report with a double click!
12 Reports Orientation Tab The Orientation tab specifies the general parameters for the report. The Orientation sheet on Library reports is visible for reference only. More advanced users can learn how to create their own reports using the Orientation Tab and Wizard. FMT
13 Reports Delivery Tab The Delivery tab is an optional sheet that allows a report to be delivered by or saved as a regular Excel spreadsheet. FMT
14 Reports Adding a Delivery Tab FMT To add a Delivery Tab to your report, go to Plan>Wizards> Enable Wizard.
15 Reports Adding a Delivery Tab FMT Select Continue.
16 Reports Adding a Delivery Tab FMT Select Finished.
17 Reports Delivery Tab You may fill in the subject line of the and include a message, if desired. FMT You can deliver your report and drill sheets to over a thousand addresses!! You can choose to eliminate or retain the excel formulas in the report. Select delivery options: Save as file, , and/or print
18 Reports Running a Report After you have reviewed the settings, set up optional delivery, and entered the parameters in the white boxes on the Report tab, check the report data by pressing F9. FMT
19 When you are satisfied with your data, print and/or the report by selecting Plan>Prepare Current. Prepare Current will activate the zero row suppression feature so you only see rows with data. Library reports have been formatted to have headers and footers and the print size and orientation have been pre-set. You may make modifications for printing in Page Setup on the File menu. Reports Printing a Report FMT
20 ReportsDrilling Reports have a Drill feature to let you see the underlying data for most line items. Highlight the line item, right click and select Detail Drill. Or if you have set up Speed Drill on the settings tab, double click on any value (except column totals). FMT
21 ReportsDrilling Select the criteria and level you would like to see. (In Speed Drill, the settings are preset.) FMT
22 ReportsDrilling The detail is presented as a new tab on the report. This tab may be printed but not saved with the report. You may continue to execute drills until you have the detail you need. Drill sheets may be ed with the report by naming each sheet on the Delivery tab. FMT
23 Reports Data Availability FMT Database Immediate FMT Reports Plan Save DWH Reports 1-2 days