Lec 19, Supply Analysis Part 3: Performance analysis methods for facilities Some of the topics in Chapter 7 were covered in CEEn 361 and are covered in CEEn 562 and 662. And some of them just do not have enough info in the text. Hence for this lecture read only p , p Exclusive ROW or guideway operations (p , partly covered in CE361. Get a flavor of transit service supply analysis) Walkway and pedestrian path LOS (p , covered in this lecture)
Pedestrian flow as traffic flow Flow-density relationship V ped = S ped * D ped orV ped = S ped /M where M = pedestrian space (m 2 /p) [V ped peds/min/m, S ped m/min, D ped peds/m 2 ]
Pedestrian flow rate – No. of pedestrians passing a point per unit of time (pedestrians per 15 min or pedestrians per min) Pedestrian flow per unit of width (pedestrians/minute/ft), v p Pedestrian density (No. of pedestrians per unit of area) Space (ft 2 /p) Speed-average walking speed (ft/s) v p /c ratio where capacity is about 23 p/min/ft Walkways and pedestrian paths LOS terms
Determining effective walkway width
Preemption of Walkway Width Light pole = ft Traffic signal pole and boxes = ft Fire hydrants = ft Traffic signs = ft Waste basket = 3.0 ft Benches = 5.0 ft Subway stairs = ft Subway ventilation gratings (raised) 6.0+ ft Trees = ft Planter boxes = 5.0 ft Newsstand = ft Vending stands = variable Advertising displays = variable Store displays = variable Sidewalk cafes (two rows of tables) = 7.0 ft Etc...
LOS criteria Capacity is about 23 p/min/ft, or 75 p/min/m
LOS criteria for walkways (1)
LOS criteria for walkways (2)
Queuing area LOS
Pedestrian paths on campus 11:10 AM 3/6/0311:55 AM 3/6/03