CSC 212 Vectors, Lists, & Sequences
Announcement Daily quizzes accepted electronically only Submit via one or other Dropbox also accepted, if necessary Next homework assignment due Thursday Midterm in a little over one week Will cover through chapter 5 of book Midterm will be open book, open note (but, closed computer) Thursday’s lecture includes a review
Rank of Element Describes the position of element in a list Item at front of list has rank of 0 2 nd item has rank of 1; 3 rd item has rank of 2 Generally, n th item has rank of n – 1
Ranking Details Ranks do not depend on arrays They specify how to order lists of elements independent of implementation details Arrays can maintain ranks, but so can: Linked lists Doubly linked lists Specially trained monkeys…
Vector ADT Vector is first type which uses ranks Similar to previous ADTs in that it defines int size() boolean isEmpty() Differs from stacks, queues, and deques Can insert and remove any element Can also replace a specific element
Item Retrieval Any element in a Vector can be retrieved using Object elemAtRank(int r) Note: this is different than using an array Object[] arr; Vector vect;... Object o = arr[4]; // legal o = vect[4]; // No! o = vect.elemAtRank(4) // legal o = arr.elemAtRank(4) // No go!
Insertion into Vectors Insertion can occur anywhere void insertAtRank(int r, Object e) Inserts object e at rank r Increases rank of objects now after it What exceptions do we need to include?
Removal from Vectors Can also remove any element Object removeAtRank(int r) Removes object at rank r Decreases rank of elements after object being removed Could this throw any exceptions beyond those defined by insertAtRank() ?
New Option Excitement! Vectors can also replace elements Object replaceAtRank(int r, Object e) Throws same exceptions as previous methods Returns element previously at rank r Ranks of remaining elements are unchanged
Vector Implementation What could we use to implement vectors and how?
Array-based Vector Arrays make implementing Vectors simple, except… … inserting an element. What is big-Oh? Vector 012 r 012 r 012 e r
Array-based Vector Removing from a Vector is not easy either… Vector 012 r 012 e r 012 r
Array-based Vector How would you implement size() ? Vector 012 r
Linked Lists Not a Panacea What is complexity of insertAtRank, removeAtRank, and replaceAtRank ?
Vector Growth Using linked lists removes size limit But we could get unbounded size using arrays Whenever array fills, allocate larger array Object[] temp = new Object[...]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.size; i++) temp[i] = arr[i]; arr = temp;
Growth Strategies Two different strategies for growth: Grow by constant, c, each time Double size each time Both have same big-Oh complexity. What is it? When does it occur? Instead compare amortized (average) time Consider inserting n elements
Constant Growth Need to grow k = n/c times Each time we grow we must copy entire array Total copies is: 1 + (c+1) + (2c+1) + + ((k-1)*c)+1 + k*c+1 = k*c+2 + k*c k*c+2 = k/2 * ((k*c)+2) = ½ck = O(n 2 ) For each of n inserts, avg complexity is O(n)
Doubling Growth Array grows k = log n times Each time we grow we must copy entire array Total copies: k k = 2 k + 2 k = 2 k+1 = 2 * 2 log n = 2 * n For each insert, average complexity only O(1)
Adapter Pattern Implementation using other class instance Example: Implementing Stack with Deque
Adapter Pattern public class Stack { protected Deque deque; public Stack() {deque = new Deque();} public int size() { return deque.size(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return deque.isEmpty(); } public void push(Object e) { deque.insertFirst(e); }
Positions Sometimes rankings may not make sense Elements may not have absolute positions May not want to pay time overhead Instead use relative rankings Retrieve elements before or after current one Add new element before or after current one Replace/remove current element Get first/last elements
Position ADT ADT implementing these relative rankings public interface Position { public Object element(); }
List ADT Simplest collection of Position s is List Defines usual int size() & boolean isEmpty() methods
List ADT Also defines accessors: Position first() Position last() Position next(Position p) throws InvalidPositionException, BoundaryViolationException Position prev(Position p) throws InvalidPositionException, BoundaryViolationException
List ADT Defines update methods: insertFirst, insertLast, insertBefore, insertAfter Takes an object and returns the Position remove Removes the position passed in as parameter replace Substitutes object for element currently at position
Implementation of List How could we implement List & Position?
Sequences Sequences combine List and Vector ADTs Also enables conversion between the two atRank – returns the position object for a given rank rankOf – given a position, returns its rank public interface Sequence extends List, Vector { public Position atRank(int r) throws public int rankOf(Position p) throws }
Daily Quiz Use adapter pattern to write a Deque implementation Adapt using an implementation of Vector A vector class, LLVector, the exceptions LLVector needs, and the Deque & Vector interfaces available on quiz page. Useful for student looking to practice Java skills by compiling/testing solutions