SUNYConnect Strategic Directions The next five years Carey Hatch SUNY Office of Library and Information Services
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Background – OCLC 2003 Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition Social Self service, Satisfaction Seamlessness Economic Slow economic growth Increased need for higher education Decreased funding for the public good Technology Bringing structure to unstructured data distributed component based software A move to Open Source software Security, identity and Digital Rights Mgmt.
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions
The planning process is being driven by changes in the environment Research and learning Reduced funding Proliferation of e-learning Lifelong learning Changing pattern of research and learning in higher education Institutional repositories, scholarly communication and open access New flows of scholarly materials. Library Staffing New roles Accommodating users Traditional vs. nontraditional content Preservation and persistence Funding and accountability Collaboration
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Environmental scan patterns Decrease in guided access to content Disaggregation Collaboration
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Our first pass for our strategic directions Create a holistic staffing model for SUNY libraries Develop innovative products and services Design and develop a strong SUNY-wide Digital Collection Implement SUNY-wide collaborative collection development and management Integrate SUNY libraries with campus and system teaching, learning, research and service strategies
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Our first pass – continued Develop user driven anywhere/anytime services Funding stabilization Improved Advocacy Simplify users online interaction with library resources, programs and services Address shared physical storage (to be or not to be)
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Develop innovative products and services Encourage change/risk Foster communication with old and new techniques Surveys Face to face Blogs, discussion boards, etc. Create “Change Teams” Staff to develop new tools Provide technology infrastructure
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Digital Collections Initiative Institutional Repository application Dspace 300 SUNY Press books Opening soon for campus pilots – theses and dissertations Others possible – MDID, Almagest ARTstor Service with 500,000 images Viewer tools for classroom use All University Centers, 11 Comp. Colleges, 3 Specialized and 11 Community Colleges
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Digital collections initiative Work to do Develop metadata standards and associated crosswalks Investigate distributed architecture Issue of Digital Rights Management (DRM) Create community
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Integrate libraries with campus and system-wide strategies Customize content for CMS Review use of physical space Standards for “learning commons” Design connections to campus portals and student record systems
SUNYConnect Strategic Directions Simplify users online interactions with library Reduce multiple interfaces Meet the user where they are – Google, IM, etc. Elsevier’s Scirus as an example Create modules to plug into Course Management Systems and portals
Links OCLC 2003 Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition m m SUNYConnect Dspace Scirus