May 13, FNAL Hybrid Thermal Test Status Hybrid Thermal Test Procedure Test Results Eva Medel FNAL CMS Group June 22, 2004
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test Test Procedure We follow exactly the 4 Hybrid Thermal Test Procedure;basically: I. Pre-Loading Turn the chiller on,activate ACDC, NIM crate and peltier power supply power on. II. Loading Load the hybrids onto the peltier plate. Hybrid registration. Turn on ARC Board power supplies. Initialization in III. Testing (failures) One or more shorted channels, or Five or more noisy or open channels.
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test Test Procedure After the test, an automatic report is generated for each hybrid in xml files generated and saved in the same directories, ( e.g. C:\TrakerDB\results). Uploading of the xml files into the data base when the program arcs_auto.xml.exe is run.
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test Results 430 TEC hybrids have been tested 69 TEC hybrids failed the thermal test ( 16% ) 361 passed the test ( 84% ) Hybrids that failed 44 showed at –20 PLL failure. 25 for other reasons
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test Results 210 TOB hybrids have been tested 29 TOB hybrids failed the thermal test ( 14% ) 181 passed the test ( 86% ) Hybrids that failed 24 showed at –20 PLL failure. 5 for other reasons
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TEC HYBRIDS Failure at –20 0 C. 22 do not present any apparent damage. The rest show certain damage mainly done during the wire-bonding like: OUTER BONDS REPAIRS NEW WIRE, NEW TOOL, PROGRAM MODE-SOFTWARE UPGRADES IRREGULAR LOOP HEIGHTS Or problems due to PA dirty, scratched or bad chips.
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TEC HYBRIDS For failed hybrids ( except –20 PLL failure) we used Lance’ s Labview program to know how noisy is an APV, ploting the noise and pedestal vs channel. This tool allow us to determine short channels. The cut applied on the calibration signal height was 1.7 ADC counts. Short channels due to the wire bonding. To determine open channels we analyze the pedestal distribution expecting a smooth spectrum. Open channels are attributed to open bonds and PA damages. A visual inspection, clean some hybrids and retest were done.
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TEC HYBRIDS Example of short and noisy channels
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TEC HYBRIDS
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TEC HYBRIDS Results Using Lance’ s program we found less short channels than reported. Noisy channels are consistent with the reported ones. Visual inspection was done and then some hybrids were retested. The majority failed for the same reason than the first time, ( no visible problem). 83% of the failed are 6 chip hybrids. The number of short channels should not be the same for 4 and 6 chip hybrids.
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TOB HYBRIDS 29 TOB hybrids that failed the thermal test 25 showed at –20 PLL failure For the rest of the TOB hybrids (4) an analysis using Lance’ s program was done, and visual inspection trying to fix something.
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TOB HYBRIDS Failure at –20 0 C. 10 do not present any apparent damage. The rest show certain damage on the pitch adapter mainly: SCRATCHES ON PA BAD SURFACE (bond pads,1)
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TOB HYBRIDS A hybrid without problems (peddecon_file 1)
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TOB HYBRIDS A hybrid without problems (peddecon_file 2)
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TOB HYBRIDS A hybrid without problems (peddecon_file 3)
May 13, Hybrid Thermal Test TOB HYBRIDS