Data sets based on Argo: Role of Regional Centers 2009 ARC Meeting Sept. 29, 2009 Toulouse, FR.


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Presentation transcript:

Data sets based on Argo: Role of Regional Centers 2009 ARC Meeting Sept. 29, 2009 Toulouse, FR

Discussion points What to call these things? – Data products? – Synthesis data sets? Is there a need to coordinate? Roles of science team and/or ARCs? – Validate/approve? – Design? Inventory efforts – Done regionally (by originator)?

Issues (cont’d) Do we have a clear idea of Argo users, how they access data, and in what form? – E.g., X-megabytes of Argo data are downloaded from the GDACs each month; of this Y% is done by operational modeling centers, Z% is done by individual researchers, etc. Similarly for synthesis products based on Argo – Here we would include an inventory of who is producing what and how often

What to conclude Revise our existing spreadsheet on Argo- related syntheses Come up with a specific recommendation for coordination of these syntheses, including roles of ST and ARCs if any If possible, identify needs for future development

Scripps Inventory Coriolis IFREMER IPRC JAMSTEC Met Office Scripps INCOIS

InstituteDerived quantity BinaryaccessVerticalInterpHorizInterpTempInterpTrajFileInteractsearchFloat locationRegionTempResArgo/MixedWebsitelanguageStarttimeFreqofupdates Coriolis T,s,rho,M LD x x xx x x G R WME/F1990W,Y,C MEDS T,s,tech info, O2 x x x x x GDAE/F2001D JAMSTEC T,s,MLD,v elo x x x x x GMME/J JMA T,s,velo x x x x G R DME/J J-PARC KMA/ METRI T,s,rho,M LD x x x x x x RWME/K KORDI T,s,rho,DO x x x x x RDAK IOS T,S,velo,M LD x x RMAE/F NFRDIT,s x x x x x GWAE/K KODC CNDC/ NMDIS T,s,rho x x x x x GDA CSIO/ SOA AOML MLD,ML T,heat storage,T,s x x GMME IPRC/ UH T,S,rho,vel,MLD,DY NH,BLT x x x x GMAE UCSD T,S x x xx x x G R (tropical)* M 5D AE UW WHOI FNMOC T,s,SSH,D YNH x xx x GDME CSIRO T,s x x xGWAE PMEL INCOIST,s,MLD,v elo,heat content,D2 0 xxxxxRM 10-D AE CSIRO

InstituteDerived quantity Binary accessVertInterpHorizInterpTempInterpTrajFileInteract searchFloat locationRegionTempResArgo/MixedWeb sitelanguageStart timeFreq of updates Coriolis T,s,rho,MLD x x xx x x G R WME/F1990W, Y,C MEDS T,s,tech info, O2 x x x x x GDAE/F2001D JAMSTE C T,s,MLD,velo x x x x x GMME/J JMA T,s,velo x x x x G R DME/J J-PARC KMA/ METRI T,s,rho,MLD x x x x x x RWME/K KORDI T,s,rho,DO x x x x x RDAK

Example data product: APDRC Taking raw data from GDAC and producing gridding products for use in models and other analyses Create horizontal maps of binned (profiles in a certain lat/lon box) and interpolated variables (temp, salt, density) and derived variables (MLD, BLT) Further make derived estimates of velocity