KSA Club Leader Kick-Off May 12, 2008
Objectives Introduce you to a subset of the people you’ll rely on over the year Review policies and guidelines Learn what needs to be done before end of quarter! All the material presented will be posted on the KSA website under ‘Clubs’
Agenda Welcome Club Funds Corporate Relations Thank-a-Thons Budget Process Planning Events Key Dates Q&A
Welcome and Thank You! Office of the Deans – Dean David Besanko Office of Student Affairs – Fran Langewisch – Wendy Metter KSA – Fritz Buerger
Expectations For Next Year From KSA Support to help you – Lead your organizations as effectively as possible – Interact with administration and the greater Kellogg and NU communities Regular communication regarding club events and effective practices Real time feedback on club funding and activities From Clubs Club collaboration and ongoing improvement – Co-sponsorship of events – Best practices sharing – Continued effective events open to all Kellogg students – Handbooks to improve knowledge transfer Communication – With the administration – With the KSA – With the club members – With other clubs/ organizations
Club Funds Fritz Buerger
Club Comparison Number of Clubs – Kellogg: 90 Clubs – B-School Average: ~70 Clubs Club Dues – Kellogg: No specific club dues – all part of quarterly student activity fee Other B-Schools – Some have free 2 club cap, then must pay dues for each additional club membership – Some are entirely dues-based; range from $5 -$50/yr
KSA versus SOFO funds KSA FundsSOFO Funds Come fromStudent dues ($56 per quarter/student) each quarter and allocated by the KSA through annual budget process Revenues generated by clubs through club events / activities RulesSpecific NU and Kellogg rules govern the use of these funds Up to club co-chair discretion and SOFO regulations ManagementClub Treasurer and signed off by KSA VP of Finance and SOFO rep (Deborah Garcia) Club Treasurer and signed off by SOFO rep (Deborah Garcia) Carry-overAny unused funds are taken back into the common KSA fund and reallocated each year Carried over from year to year as in a traditional bank account Held… by KSA VP of Finance and paid out on request … in club account and managed by Club Treasurer Keeping trackAccounts balanced by KSA VP of Finance Monthly account balance sent out by SOFO rep (Deborah Garcia)
KSA Funding Guidelines Must be used for activities that benefit the student body. All activities must be made available to the whole student body. Speakers: Tangible or physical gift of reasonable value. No fees, accommodations, meals or transportation (NU rule). Events: Entry fees for tournaments and case competitions. No transportation or lodging. Mailbox Stuffing: Once per quarter with cost under $100 Clear all expenses under $400 for remainder of the quarter through VP of Finance When in doubt, apply the “in front of the class” rule
KSA Reimbursement Guidelines Budget and reimbursement process maintained by club treasurer / finance co-chair Must provide correctly completed voucher signed by club treasurer and receipts/proof of payment Receipt requirements – original, itemized, proof of payment in under 90 days No reimbursement for Illinois Sales Tax (use NU tax- exempt letter located on club web site)
Reimbursement Process SOFO reimbursements – Give to directly to Deborah Garcia (located in office 250A) KSA reimbursements – Put in Fritz’s mailbox It takes approximately 10 – 12 business days for the checks to be cut and delivered after Deborah processes them This also depends on when she gets the invoice from Fritz, and a student worker to help her process all the checks (so please be patient before ing me that you haven’t gotten a reimbursement check)
Treasurer’s Responsibilities Serve as the main financial contact between club/club members and KSA VP Finance (Fritz) and Kellogg SOFO rep (Deborah) Sign transfer forms Sign off on all club expenses – vouchers must have your signature Apply for KSA funds by June 1st Final Day for Reimbursements June 4th Treasurers MUST maintain financial records for KSA and SOFO budgets
Key Contacts Fritz Buerger – KSA VP Finance & Business Development – Deborah Garcia – Kellogg SOFO Rep – – Office: 250A – Phone:
Corporate Relations Elizabeth Orr Jennifer Johnson
Role of Corporate Relations Central contact for all club and conference activities – 40 professional clubs – ~14 student-run conferences – Other activities through professors & classes, centers, executive education, Part-Time Program Liaison between students, administration (Dean’s Office) and companies – Knowledgeable on Kellogg’s complex relationships and history with corporate partners Support clubs and conferences -- coordinate sponsors and speaker solicitation – Our objective is to make sure that the school has knowledge of events, all parties are satisfied and that expectations are properly managed
Company Presence Task Force In February of 2007, due to the increasing amount of feedback that we received from students, employers, faculty and administration, Dean Jain commissioned a Company Presence Task force to address the increasing need to re-balance the blend of academics, career exploration and employer contact in the Kellogg MBA experience Task Force consisted of Students, Employers, Deans and Faculty, CMC and Corporate Relations Through student focus groups and surveys as well as employer roundtables, we developed policies to combat the issues and strive for fewer conflicts and greater collaboration between students, administration and our corporate partners. One outcome is that Corporate Relations will facilitate Company contact with Club leaders. We will go into further detail about these policies at the club training later this month
Sponsorship Budgets Your sponsorship budget should include: Estimated costs of each event that you are interested in soliciting sponsorship – $7 - $10 per person is appropriate for an on campus event – $15 - $20 per person is appropriate for an off campus event To find out your recent CUFS/SOFO account balance contact Deborah Garcia
Overview of Sponsorship Process Corporate sponsorship is appropriate for educational and cultural events – This includes academic events, conferences, speaker events and school wide events Submit a proposed club calendar, event budget, list of potential companies and solicitation plan and letters for approval to your corporate relations contact. Sponsorship monies should be solicited more than two months before the event The Sponsorship structure is $1,000 for one event, $2,000 for two events and $2,500 for three events Meet with your corporate relations contact to review and discuss sponsorship plan Solicitations can be sent to potential companies after June 16th
Approval Process Corporate Relations reviews the submission, checking: – Items in budget are reasonable – Companies targeted are an appropriate fit for your Club or activity. – We will also provide you with company names and contacts that have reached out to us interested in sponsoring – The benefits are clearly presented and adhere to 501c(3) guidelines.
Other Things to Remember Career Fairs – Career Fairs should be approved by the Career Management Center (CMC) before moving forward Case Competitions – A corporation can host, not sponsor, a case competition. This means that no money exchanges hands between the Kellogg School and the hosting corporation. All monies paid by the corporation for hosting the competition (prize money, food, room rental fees, etc.), should be paid directly to the vendor from the corporation. Additionally, because Case Competitions benefit very few students, sponsorship money cannot be raised to support a team’s entrance fee, traveling expenses, etc, to another school or company’s case competition. Also, If a company requests to host a case competition, please funnel those requests through the CMC.
Other Things to Remember TG’s - Companies that give money to help fund a TG are considered corporate hosts. A TG corporate host does not receive any recognition by the Kellogg School. The money given by a corporate host for a TG is not considered a donation to the school, is not tax deductible and does not count toward their Kellogg Corporate Affiliate Status. As money given by companies for TG’s directly affects money given for sponsorship of academic events, anyone interested in soliciting for a TG must work directly with the KSA social chair, and an Assistant Director of Corporate Relations.
Other Things to Remember Company sponsorship is event based. A Club cannot be sponsored generally BWAH is the only Club able to fundraise for other charities Giving away cash prizes is not a responsible use of sponsorship dollars and benefits very few parties
Sponsorship Resources Available Corporate Involvement Website – orporatesponsres.htm orporatesponsres.htm It contains: – Corporate Sponsorship Guidelines – Kellogg Invoice Template - Information companies need to write a sponsorship check to Kellogg. – Conference Sponsorship Handbook - Guidelines for conference sponsorship committees to follow. The handbook includes action plans to obtain corporate support for a large event at Kellogg. – Corporate In-kind Gifts Information – FAQ’s - Frequently Asked Sponsorship Questions
Sponsorship Checks All sponsorship checks should be sent to: Jennifer Johnson/Elizabeth Orr Office of Development and Alumni Relations Kellogg School of Management 2001 Sheridan Rd Evanston, IL
Soliciting a Speaker Please receive approval by the Corporate Relations Office if you are interested in bringing a high-level speaker or alum to the Kellogg School Start early, securing a speaker takes time. Begin Solicitations four to five months before the event. It is important to be aware and respectful of potential speakers relationships with the Kellogg School, past, present and future. In an effort to be respectful of a persons time, we discourage inviting the same individuals to the Kellogg School year after year. Please check the speakers database, the most comprehensive list of Kellogg speakers from 2000 to present. Be aware of speakers expectations. It is important to have a large audience for a high level speaker. We encourage partnering with another Kellogg club. Calendar conflicts will affect your event’s attendance. Please plan a date and time wisely. With all of the events happening at Kellogg every quarter, be conscious of possible content overlap. Please think quality over quantity. Would this person be a better fit for a conference? Conferences are a good venue for high-level speakers, as the additional programming and marketing/promotion efforts involved in a Kellogg conference ensures strong attendance numbers.
Speaker Resources Available Corporate Involvement Website – orpspeakerres.htm This contains: – Potential Speaker List - a list of individuals who have indicated interest in speaking opportunities at Kellogg or who have been funneled through different channels (Dean's Office, Development, Faculty) as potential strong speakers. – Speaker Database - The largest and most comprehensive list of past speakers at Kellogg from the year 2000 and on. – Crain’s List of Who’s Who in Chicago Business - Kellogg always suggests utilizing the local Chicago business community for speakers. – Speaker Logistics Guidelines - Important steps to follow when inviting a speaker to Kellogg. – Conference Speaker Handbook – A guide and suggested timeline for conference speaker committees to help them to obtain a corporate speaker for a large event at Kellogg.
Key Contacts Jennifer Johnson – – Office: Jacobs Center - office 219 – Phone: Elizabeth Orr – – Office: Jacobs Center - office 215 – Phone:
Thank-A-Thons Natalie Harris
Phone-a-thons = Thank-a-thons Simple way to raise vital club funds Connect with Kellogg alumni & thank them for their financial support Work especially well for clubs that cannot solicit for corporate support
What are Thank-a-thons? Call Kellogg alumni for two reasons: – Inform about the latest campus news – Thank them for their support to the Kellogg Annual Fund A Kellogg development staff member is present at all thank-a-thons
Who Can Participate? Any club at Kellogg can participate Minimum of 6 students required Maximum of 7 students Clubs must participate for 3 hours – shifts for callers are acceptable Bonuses available
When do Thank-a-thons happen? Typically take place in November & February Arrange on any weekday during these months Call on weekday evenings: 6:00-9:00 pm
Where do Thank-a-Thons happen? Take place in Jacobs Center room #2201 Complimentary dinner and beverages are served for callers
Fundraising Amounts Can earn between $450-$700, depending on the number of callers Paid $25 per caller per hour Funds will be deposited directly into your SOFO account 4-6 weeks after the event
Key Contact Natalie Harris – – Office: Jacobs Center - office 220 – Phone:
Technology KIS (Anne Kaduk)
Club Technology Today Club and Group Directory – Please make sure this is updated with accurate information – Being a moderator for a club’s entry in the club and group directory is what lets you post events for that club on the Serial calendar Serial Posting – Rules – request a posting link Class List Communications – Guidelines – Serial > Student Organizations > Student Group Listservs Audio / Visual – (located in Jacobs 158, across from Jacobs 157)
Club Technology Today Request forms for transition and creation of all Kellogg technology tools can be found here: (Serial > Computing > Club Tech Tools) Please Anne Kaduk at with comments or questions. A club technology tools training session will be announced at a later date.
Club Technology Tomorrow KIS has created a Unified Club Services task force that is working with the KSA and others to improve club technology tools for the future. If you are using external resources successfully for club technology needs, please let me and/or Fritz know so that we can integrate that into our planning.
Budget Process Fritz Buerger
Process Timing Club funding document ed to leaders – May 12th Funding request due via – June 1st Final day for submitting receipts – June 4th Assessment and allocation – June and July club budget communicated – August 8th
Where Does the Money Come From? Unspent club funds Student activity fees Dean’s contribution General KSA funding pool for (Approximately $125K) Club 1 allocation Club 2 allocation Club 3 allocation Club 4 allocation Club 5 allocation Club … allocation Club 90 allocation
Elements of the Funding Request List of co-chairs Membership numbers current and expected Transition checklist review Plan of events and requested funding Leadership plan for 1Ys and first years Budget Request
Transition Checklist Elements Role assignment – Technology representative – CMC representative (certain clubs only) – Treasurer/Finance representative Meeting attendance – Treasurer training (May 20 th and in the Fall) – Club leader kick-off (Today) – CMC orientation (as required) (May 19 th ) – Bi-Quarterly roundtables Additional items – Updated website – Funding guidelines – Communication guidelines – Club Handbooks and Sharepoint (as required)
Club Handbooks Maintained as a soft-copy document to allow for effective knowledge transfer between leadership and among club members Contents: – Mission – List of expected events, including leadership transition – List of key club/industry specific resources – Club member’s guide to different roles within industry – List of industry specific recruiting tips – Link to alumni database
Club Funding A few notes… – Attendance at events such as roundtable meetings is MANDATORY! Please if you will not be able to attend an event – Funding will be WITHHELD if the criteria are not met. School funds are a privilege, not a right – We want to work with you to make Kellogg better – this requires effort from all parties
Club Participation Some upcoming events that the KSA needs your help in undertaking: – Club Discussion focused on class offerings and the bidding system – Volunteers for the Kellogg Centennial celebration – Participation in a school-wide handbook for incoming students – International recruiting efforts – Working to establish a comprehensive listing of leadership opportunities available for first year students Please help your fellow classmates (these are their suggestions and initiatives) out and volunteer for these activities when ed out
Planning Events Andrea Hanson
Overview The Social Committee’s role at Kellogg – What we plan and what we don’t plan Hosting of TGs – Scheduling – Funding – Corporate Hosts – Other TG Rules
KSA Social Events Events we plan – Glo-Ball – TGs – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – Taste of Kellogg – Running with the Bulls – Purple Rain – Some NU Tailgates Events we don’t plan – CIM Ball – Charity Auction Ball – Casino Night
TGs at Kellogg Part of Kellogg tradition Opportunity to socialize and learn from the clubs at our school Showcases Kellogg’s diverse backgrounds and interests Held every Friday during the academic year We need to protect TGs at Kellogg by following a few simple rules…
Hosting TG - Scheduling Scheduling for TGs takes place at the beginning of the quarter prior to the quarter you wish to schedule in – Example: For TGs in winter quarter, scheduling will begin at the beginning of fall quarter – An will go out shortly asking for Fall quarter hosting requests How the dates are chosen: – You will have a week to submit a request for a TG (no exceptions) – Please submit your top three date choices with the rationale for your #1 choice (i.e. prior to a conference or event hosted by your organization) – We reserve the right to move your date if there is a VERY good reason – Clubs that collaborate on TGs are given special consideration
Hosting TG - Funding TG hosted by a club – KSA will pay for the cost of TG – The sponsoring club is expected to: Provide a unique atmosphere for the TG Promote the TG to the student body Work with KSA Social reps to place appropriate orders TG hosted by a conference – Conference must pay for entire cost of TG – Multiple conferences may co-sponsor a TG
Hosting TG - Corporate Companies can not officially sponsor a TG, but they can be offered an option to host All company contact must be approved by Jennifer Johnson – Do not solicit a company less than a month before your event (just a common courtesy) – Please inform KSA (Andrea) ahead of time if you plan to seek corporate funding for your TG
Hosting TG - Advertising The club, conference, or company hosting may advertise in any way they wish (within reason) at the TG. This includes, but is not limited to: – Banners and flyers in the atrium – Announcements by the DJ – Any additional activities or decorations in the atrium Clubs and Conferences not sponsoring the TG may reserve one of four tables under the atrium overhang with approval from the sponsoring body. Advertising for these bodies is limited to: – Banners/flyers on the front of the table and on the wall directly behind the table – Any decorations, food, or activities which can fit on the table – NOTE: No announcements may be made by the DJ for clubs/conferences that do not sponsor the TG
Hosting TG – Other Information What is included in the standard TG package? – Up to 10 kegs of beer – Snacks & soda, setup & cleanup (Kafe Kellogg) – EMMC DJ Clubs are responsible for checking the ages of people attending TG Beer and wine only – NO hard alcohol is allowed at on- campus events Fines/Penalties – Conference or Company advertising outside the guidelines described in this presentation – full cost of TG – Club advertising without permission/approval - $100 – Canceling a scheduled TG less than 2 weeks before the actual date – your club will not be given first choice dates for TG the next year
Key Dates
Process Timing Recap Club funding document ed to leaders – May 12th Funding request due via – June 1st Final day for submitting receipts – June 4th Assessment and allocation – June and July club budget communicated – August 8th
Final Thoughts You determine the direction your club goes in the next year The KSA will do what it can to assist your forward progress We want every club to strive to be the best of its kind among our peer schools Collaboration and communication between clubs will improve the effectiveness of your events over the coming year Please don’t hesitate to let us know your comments, questions, and concerns