ASTR100 Midterm Take your seats as quickly as possible. Ask for a #2 pencil if you need it. Fill in the top page of the exam. DO NOT OPEN THE EXAM UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO! NOTE: You will be asked for ID when you hand in your exam. Have it ready!
LastFirstI Name goes here U ID SectionExam version (1, 2, 3, or 4) Answers go here
Early Leave Time #1 If you really want to leave early, hand in your exam and answer sheet to your TA now. This opportunity lasts 3 minutes.
LastFirstI Name goes here U ID SectionExam version (1, 2, 3, or 4) Answers go here
Early Leave Time #2 If you really want to leave early, hand in your exam and answer sheet to your TA now. You may leave at any time.
FIVE MINUTES REMAINING Make sure you didn’t leave anything blank.
TIME’S UP! Hand in your exam and answer sheet to your TA at the front. Be sure to sign the Honor Pledge!