Arysta LifeScience Fungicides/Bactericides IR-4 Food Use Workshop
2 Evito 480 SC Active ingredient - fluoxastrobin Strobilurin fungicide, inhibits cell energy production Formulation – 480 SC (4 lb ai/gal) Rate on Crops: oz/A (0.063 to 0.12 lb ai/A) Four class fungal spectrum (Oomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Fungi Imperfecti, and Basidiomycetes)
3 Evito 480 SC Xylem-mobile fungicide No phytotoxicity on pome fruit CA registration by December Label expansions submitted in late 08/early 09.
4 Polyoxin-D (Endorse) 11.3 WDG Active ingredient – Polyoxin-D Inhibits chitin biosynthesis Formulation – 11.3 % WDG Rate: 6.2 oz/A product Tank-mixing will be necessary for most crops
5 Polyoxin-D (Endorse) 11.3 WDG Section 3 for food use by April/May 08 Need much more data for efficacy Current crops are Almonds, Cucurbits, Fruiting Veg, Grapes, Pistachios, Pome Fruit, Potatoes, and Strawberries.
6 Kasumin 2L (Kasugamycin) Active ingredient - Kasugamycin Aminoglycoside antibiotic, filtrate of Streptomyces Formulation – 2L (2% liquid) Rate: 100 ppm (1 qt/50 gallon) Effective on Erwinia sp., Psuedomonas sp., and most Xanthomonas sp. FDA/EPA/CDC gave a positive response to April 2007 meeting for label submission
7 Kasumin 2L (Kasugamycin) Continuation of Residue/E-fate program for 08/09 label submission for Pome Fruit, Walnuts, and greenhouse tomatoes Submit for Section 3 field tomato/pepper in ‘09 Arysta will support Section 18’s for Pome Fruit, Walnut and tomato/pepper