CEP Remember? September 15, 2005
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Is learning about cognition like this?
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Information Processing Model
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Perception Really cool Not going to deal with it
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Attention Really cool Not going to deal with it
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Motor Control Really cool Not going to deal with it
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Short-Term Memory aka Working Memory Seems to be Limited Capacity 7 +/- 2 items - Miller Increasing storage is done by increasing the size of an item - called chunking. E.g. “ ” vs. “5 seconds faster than my best 5k (22min, 45 secs)” Confirmed by your results?
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Short-Term or Working Memory What can you tell me about it, based upon your (meaning your personal and your classmates’) experiments this week?
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Short-Term Memory aka Working Memory Seems to be Modal Roughly corresponding to the sensory stores Auditory - Articulatory Loop Visual - Spatial Sketchpad (Baddley, etc.) Others?
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Short-Term Memory aka Working Memory Seems to be serial (sequential) Example: tell people to recall as many of the following as possible: “Quick, 12, Love, hungry, Orange, Blue, Desk, 45.3”. Was “12 in the list?” Was 45.3 in the list? The further in the list it is, the longer it takes to answer
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Short-Term Memory aka Working Memory Requires “effort” to get information to Long-Term Storage Rehersal Processing Attention Mnemonic Etc. Distractor tasks are often used to prevent long-term memory formation
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Short-Term Memory aka Working Memory It’s fast 100 ms on average to retrieve an item
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Short-Term Memory aka Working Memory It is not one-way from perception to working memory E.g. couple, lovers, space, brown, dating
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Your homework due today For each item in the list, we’re going to aggregate our data.
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Lets form some groups My plan is to give you a few minutes to let you form your own groups. (3 or 4 people) Combine that with the break If all goes well, I do not have to help you make groups. See you in 20 minutes.
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Group Assignment
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Your homework I will provide feedback for both your homework assignments so far by Monday. After that we will grade for real.
Matthew J. Koehler September 15, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Next Week Lets review what’s due for next week