Activity Data at Huddersfield Graham Stone E-Resources Manager Dave Pattern Library Systems Manager
Medium sized University –22,000 students and 2,000 staff –Library stock ~300,000 books Current LMS/ILS Horizon installed in 1996 –over 3 million borrowing (“circ”) transactions stored in the DB University of Huddersfield Library Services
University of Huddersfield borrowing suggestions
University of Huddersfield personalised suggestions
University of Huddersfield course level new book list feeds
University of Huddersfield keyword search cloud
University of Huddersfield guided keyword searches
University of Huddersfield click stream data
Usage data release December 2008
Measuring the Impact range of stock circulating per year borrowing suggestions added to catalogue at end of 2005
Measuring the Impact average books borrowed per year
Usage data for the School of Human and Health Sciences
Average total usage by Academic School all 2007/8 & 2008/9 graduates
BA English Studies and
BSc Physiotherapy and
BA Business Studies and
Explore reasons for unexpected non/low use Course profiling Targeted promotion Raise tutor awareness Benchmark findings with potential partners Testing for statistical significance Develop a toolkit Using methodology and experience from partners Next Steps…