Ms. Dilley Extra help: Tuesday & Wednesday, 2:15-2:45
Write journals and learn the writing process. Review grammar and punctuation weekly through language workshop and student writing. Study vocabulary weekly. Read, analyze, & interpret various literature. In this class we will:
* Pen/Pencil * Binder * College ruled paper * Section Dividers
Bring materials and assignments to class. Adherence to the KHS attendance policy is mandatory. Students will need to be in class to receive the necessary materials and information. Many in-class assignments cannot be made up, thus attendance is crucial. If a student arrives to class more than 20 minutes late, he/she will be marked absent as per school policy. Be on time. Late work will not be accepted.
If student has an excused absence, please see me at the end of the period to get work missed. Student will have 7 days to complete and turn in missed a assignment, after the 7 th day student will not receive credit for the assignment. If student misses a test or quiz they may come in after school during extra help time listed above. There will be some homework required. Citizenship: 60% attendance, tardies, respect, effort, participation, and attitude.
Students are expected to be organized. The binders are required for this purpose. No cell phones or walk-mans They will be taken and students can pick them up after school. Attentiveness, respect, a willingness to learn, new ideas, participation, and growth are expected. Students are responsible for their own learning and behavior.
»Cokes, Skittles, Heath bars, coffee, smiles, and a good attitude are also welcomed.
–Grades are calculated according to the following percentile scale: A100 – 94B-81 – 78D A-93 – 90C+77 – 74 D61 – 59 B+89 – 86C73 – 70 D B85 – 82C F54 & Below
Short stories “Twelve Angry Men” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Of Mice and Men 4 th Quarter 2 nd Quarter Night The Pearl 1 st Quarter3 rd Quarter Stop Pretending “Inherit the Wind”