Website Design Prepared by: Alana Searleman Last modified 13/11/2007 Client: Johndan Comm345 Project: My Recipe Planner, Version#1 Online Recipe Planner
My Recipe Planner V#1 Defining the Users The online interactive recipe book website is targeted to Adults. The main users for this site are parents, adults, and college students. The primary user is the college students that don't have a lot of experience cooking yet, and are normally very busy with schoolwork. The secondary user is a rushed parent that wants to make their life easier and more organized by using the planner to help keep their family eating properly. The third group of users are single adults that normally only cook for themselves. There are two personas created; one for the primary user and one for the secondary user. What do they already know about this topic? The users have a very wide range of skill. Some of the users will be intermediate level cooks and others will be complete novices to the cooking world. Some users will start with very limited if any experience cooking, while others will have been cooking meals for years. All the users will want to be able to improve their cooking skills and find new and improved recipes. Almost all users know what kinds of food they like to eat or would want to cook when looking for recipes on the website. The users also vary widely in terms of computer skills. College students and some adult users will be computer savvy and be comfortable using the internet to find what they are looking for. But then there are other users that have little skill with a computer and don’t have a lot of experience or comfort with the internet. Who are your user?
My Recipe Planner V#1 Primary Persona JobCollege Student School Level Senior Student Daily Tasks Goes to Class and does homework. Sports like Skateboarding and biking. Spends a lot of time on the computer looking at his favorite websites and checking his . Makes sure he never misses his favorite TV shows, especially the ones on Food Network like Iron Chief. Eats tuna everyday for lunch. Likes He likes to procrastinate, and likes watching cooking shows on TV. Likes doing things quickly, except when doing things to procrastinate. Likes to try new and interesting things. Rating systems for references to what is good or bad. He only likes cooking for himself. Would like a new recipe suggested to his tastes everyday. Enjoys traveling away from campus a lot. Dislikes Doing homework and spending too much time doing work. Doesn’t like doing lots of dishes, and dislikes expensive food, but doesn’t like fast-food. Doesn’t like wasting food or cooking for other people. Also, doesn’t like to have to search a lot to find what he is looking for. Favorite Websites Goals Staying healthy and to not stress out about things, and to get a good job after College. Roger Smith
My Recipe Planner V#1 Secondary Persona Ann Brigs Ann is 42 years old and is married with two children. Her husband, Frank works full time as a police officer, who works overtime often because the police force is understaffed. Her oldest child, Kelly, is 15 years old and like’s eating junk food and hanging out with her friends. The youngest child, Will, is 12 years old and loves to play sports and is a very picky eater. Ann works full time at a Real-estate agency. She wants to feed her family good healthy food that everyone will enjoy. She doesn’t have a lot of time to plan meals and get food from the store. Ann and Frank like trying new foods but their children want to always eat out or order take out. At work, she constantly is rating houses and comparing property values. She also shows clients tours of the various houses for sale that they might be interested in. Ann likes using and the phone when corresponding with her clients and the other real estate agents at her real estate firm and the other firms in the area. Ann loves hosting large parties for her coworkers and for her clients. She likes getting the best deal out of something for both her personal life and her job. Ann likes keeping involved with the community by helping out with a lot of non- profit organizations and through her children’s schools and sport teams. Both her and her husband’s families are from the area so there are normally people always coming and going from her house. She also enjoys collecting pins and spoons from all the places she visits with her family or on business trips. She also loves watching the Food Network TV station; her favorite shows being Rachael Ray’s $40 a Day and 30 Minute Meals, Unwrapped, Throwdown with Bobby Flay, and her favorite Semi-Homemade Cooking with Sandra Lee.
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My Recipe Planner V#1 Wireframe Overview
My Recipe Planner V#1 Homepage Wireframe Notes: 1)The Recipes of the Day will be relevant to any upcoming Holiday or Season or be one of the top user rated recipes 2)The Local Links will be the same as the main Recipe section’s local links 3)If the User is logged In to the site the Today’s meals will show the User’s selected meals for the day from the planner. 4)If the User is not logged In to the site the Today’s meals will show a breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipe from the top rated recipes.
My Recipe Planner V#1 Recipe Section Wireframe Notes: 1)The amount of Recipe Types will change depending on the recipe section the user is currently in. The amount and names of each specific Recipe Type for a specific recipe section can be found on the website blueprint 2)The Local Links will change to fit the local links for the recipe section the user is currently in. The local link details for each specific page can be found on the website Blueprints 3)The suggested recipe will change to be relevant to the specific section of the website the User is currently in.
My Recipe Planner V#1 Recipe Wireframe Notes: 1)The Local Links will change to fit the local links for the recipe section the user is currently in. The local link details for each specific page can be found on the website Blueprints 2)The suggested recipe will change to be relevant to the specific recipe the User is currently viewing.
My Recipe Planner V#1 Advanced Search Wireframe Use case: Advanced Search 1)User can types in or select a key word / term in the combo box 2)The User can select a type of dish from the dish type combo box 3)User can types in or select a Main Ingredient in the ingredient combo box 4)User can types in or select the type of meal or the meal’s course from the meal combo box 5)User can types in or select or select the type of cuisine or ethnicity from the cuisine combo box 6)User can types in or select a guide from the guide combo box 7)Then the user would click the Search Button and make sure that at least one combo box has something selected or typed in Use case exceptions: Step 1: User doesn’t type in or select any values in all of the combo boxes 1)The Key Words / Terms is pointed out to the User 2)User types in at least one of the advance search combo boxes 3)Then the user would click the Search Button and be brought to the search results page.
My Recipe Planner V#1 Log In Wireframe Use case: Log In 1)User types in username 2)User types in password 3)User Submits username and password for verification. 4)If valid user goes to personal planner homepage. Use case exceptions: Step 1: User types incorrect username 1)User retypes username into the correct field. 2)User retypes password into the correct field. 3)User resubmits username and password for verification. 4)If valid the user goes to personal planner homepage. Use case exceptions: Step 2: User types incorrect password 1)User retypes password into the correct field. 2)User resubmits username and password for verification. 3)If valid the user goes to personal planner homepage. Use case exceptions: Step 3: User types incorrect password 1)User retypes password into the correct field. 2)User resubmits username and password for verification. 3)If invalid the user is prompt again for the correct password and a forgot password link is pointed out to the user
My Recipe Planner V#1 Upload Recipe Wireframe Use case: Upload Recipe 1)User types recipe name into the recipe name textbox 2)User selects or types in category of food for the category field. 3)User selects or types in picture address (This is optional; users are not required to upload a picture) 4)User types in the ingredients the amount and volume into the ingredient table and adds more rows as needed by clicking the Add Ingredient Button 5)User types in the directions on how to make the recipe from the ingredients 6)User presses the Submit Button to upload the recipe to the website Use case exceptions: Step 1: User forgets to include the recipe’s name, category, ingredients, and/or directions 1)Section missing needed information will be pointed out to the user 2)User types in require information to complete the recipe 3)User clicks the Submit Button Use case exceptions: Step 2: User wishes to change the recipe they are uploading 1)User clicks the Reset Button 2)User types in require information to complete the recipe (see above Use Case: Upload Recipe) 3)User clicks the Submit Button